Dr. Vinod R
Dr. Vinod R
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Cited by
Enhanced UV emission from ZnO nanoflowers synthesized by the hydrothermal process
R Vinod, P Sajan, SR Achary, CM Tomas, V Munoz-Sanjose, MJ Bushiri
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (42), 425103, 2012
Mn2+‐induced room‐temperature ferromagnetism and spin‐glass behavior in hydrothermally grown Mn‐doped ZnO nanorods
R Vinod, MJ Bushiri, P Sajan, SR Achary, V Muñoz‐Sanjosé
physica status solidi (a) 211 (5), 1155-1161, 2014
High luminescent yield from Mn doped ZnS at yellow–orange region and 367 nm
P Sajan, R Vinod, MJ Bushiri
Journal of Luminescence 158, 110-115, 2015
Quenching and blue shift of UV emission intensity of hydrothermally grown ZnO: Mn nanorods
R Vinod, MJ Bushiri, SR Achary, V Munoz-Sanjosé
Materials Science and Engineering: B 191, 1-6, 2015
Pressure-induced phase transition in hydrothermally grown ZnO nanoflowers investigated by Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy
MJ Bushiri, R Vinod, A Segura, JA Sans
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (38), 385401, 2015
Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanostructures with dopants Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+-Structural and luminous characteristics
R Vinod, MJ Bushiri
Journal of Luminescence 256, 119628, 2023
Boosted UV emission at 349 nm from mesoporous ZnS
P Sajan, JM Bushiri, R Vinod
Applied Physics A 113, 321-325, 2013
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