Olivier Tremblay-Savard
Olivier Tremblay-Savard
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Strong password generation based on user inputs
FZ Glory, AU Aftab, O Tremblay-Savard, N Mohammed
2019 IEEE 10th annual information technology, electronics and mobile …, 2019
Operon-based approach for the inference of rRNA and tRNA evolutionary histories in bacteria
T Pawliszak, M Chua, CK Leung, O Tremblay-Savard
BMC genomics 21, 1-14, 2020
Evolution of orthologous tandemly arrayed gene clusters
O Tremblay Savard, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-12, 2011
Evolution of tRNA Repertoires in Bacillus Inferred with OrthoAlign
O Tremblay-Savard, B Benzaid, BF Lang, N El-Mabrouk
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (6), 1643-1656, 2015
Increasing player engagement, retention and performance through the inclusion of educational content in a citizen science game
R de Leon Pereira, A Tan, A Bunt, O Tremblay-Savard
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2021
Genome halving and double distance with losses
OT Savard, Y Gagnon, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk
Journal of Computational Biology 18 (9), 1185-1199, 2011
Effect of timer, top score and leaderboard on performance and motivation in a human computing game
A Matin, M Maduro, R de Leon Pereira, O Tremblay-Savard
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2020
A human-computation platform for multi-scale genome analysis
A Singh, C Drogaris, E Nazarova, M Blanchette, J Waldispühl, AI Matin, ...
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www. aaai. org …, 2017
Collaborative solving in a human computing game using a market, skills and challenges
O Tremblay-Savard, A Butyaev, J Waldispühl
Proceedings of the 2016 annual symposium on computer-human interaction in …, 2016
Gxenet: Novel fully connected neural network based approaches to incorporate gxe for predicting wheat yield
S Jubair, O Tremblay-Savard, M Domaratzki
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 8, 60-76, 2023
A graph-theoretic approach for inparalog detection
O Tremblay-Savard, KM Swenson
BMC bioinformatics 13 (Suppl 19), S16, 2012
Advances on genome duplication distances
Y Gagnon, OT Savard, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk
RECOMB International Workshop on Comparative Genomics, 25-38, 2010
Defining phylogenetic network distances using cherry operations
K Landry, A Teodocio, M Lafond, O Tremblay-Savard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 20 (3 …, 2022
Lessons learned from video game players sorting genomes
R De Leon Pereira, O Tremblay-Savard
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2023
BOPAL 2.0 and a study of tRNA and rRNA gene evolution in Clostridium
M Chua, A Tan, O Tremblay-Savard
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 19 (06), 2140007, 2021
A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Finding Agreement Cherry-Reduced Subnetworks in Level-1 Orchard Networks
K Landry, O Tremblay-Savard, M Lafond
Journal of Computational Biology 31 (4), 360-379, 2024
The effective reproductive number: modeling and prediction with application to the multi-wave Covid-19 pandemic
RG Romanescu, S Hu, D Nanton, M Torabi, O Tremblay-Savard, ...
Epidemics 44, 100708, 2023
Novel Phylogenetic Network Distances Based on Cherry Picking
K Landry, A Teodocio, M Lafond, O Tremblay-Savard
Algorithms for Computational Biology: 8th International Conference, AlCoB …, 2021
Reconstruction of ancestral RNA sequences under multiple structural constraints
O Tremblay-Savard, V Reinharz, J Waldispühl
BMC genomics 17, 175-186, 2016
Use of Wearable and Wireless Technology in Real-World Clinical Settings to Improve Patient Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Mixed Methods Pilot Prospective Trial
D Pieroni, SJ Leon, AL Krueger, L Burton, O Tremblay-Savard, N Tangri, ...
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 10, 20543581231212125, 2023
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Articles 1–20