Barrett Wells
Barrett Wells
Professor of Physics
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Anomalously large gap anisotropy in the a-b plane of
ZX Shen, DS Dessau, BO Wells, DM King, WE Spicer, AJ Arko, D Marshall, ...
Physical review letters 70 (10), 1553, 1993
Evidence for quantum critical behavior in the optimally doped cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ δ
T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, BO Wells, SL Hulbert, Q Li, GD Gu, ...
Science 285 (5436), 2110-2113, 1999
E versus k Relations and Many Body Effects in the Model Insulating Copper Oxide Sr 2 Cu O 2 Cl 2
BO Wells, ZX Shen, A Matsuura, DM King, MA Kastner, M Greven, ...
Physical review letters 74 (6), 964, 1995
Doping and temperature dependence of the mass enhancement observed in the cuprate Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ
PD Johnson, T Valla, AV Fedorov, Z Yusof, BO Wells, Q Li, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (17), 177007, 2001
Photoemission Studies of High-Tc Superconductors: The Superconducting Gap
ZX Shen, WE Spicer, DM King, DS Dessau, BO Wells
Science 267 (5196), 343-350, 1995
Systematics of the photoemission spectral function of cuprates: Insulators and hole-and electron-doped superconductors
C Kim, PJ White, ZX Shen, T Tohyama, Y Shibata, S Maekawa, BO Wells, ...
Physical review letters 80 (19), 4245, 1998
Anomalous spectral weight transfer at the superconducting transition of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ
DS Dessau, BO Wells, ZX Shen, WE Spicer, AJ Arko, RS List, DB Mitzi, ...
Physical review letters 66 (16), 2160, 1991
Incommensurate spin fluctuations in high-transition temperature superconductors
BO Wells, YS Lee, MA Kastner, RJ Christianson, RJ Birgeneau, ...
Science 277 (5329), 1067-1071, 1997
Fermi surface and electronic structure of Nd 2− x Ce x CuO 4− δ
DM King, ZX Shen, DS Dessau, BO Wells, WE Spicer, AJ Arko, ...
Physical review letters 70 (20), 3159, 1993
Coherence–incoherence and dimensional crossover in layered strongly correlated metals
T Valla, PD Johnson, Z Yusof, B Wells, Q Li, SM Loureiro, RJ Cava, ...
Nature 417 (6889), 627-630, 2002
Photoemission study of CoO
ZX Shen, JW Allen, PAP Lindberg, DS Dessau, BO Wells, A Borg, W Ellis, ...
Physical Review B 42 (3), 1817, 1990
Electronic structure of NiO: Correlation and band effects
ZX Shen, RS List, DS Dessau, BO Wells, O Jepsen, AJ Arko, R Barttlet, ...
Physical Review B 44 (8), 3604, 1991
Angle-resolved-photoemission study of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ: Metallicity of the Bi-O plane
BO Wells, ZX Shen, DS Dessau, WE Spicer, CG Olson, DB Mitzi, ...
Physical review letters 65 (24), 3056, 1990
Phase separation in superoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4+y
HE Mohottala, BO Wells, JI Budnick, WA Hines, C Niedermayer, L Udby, ...
Nature Materials 5 (5), 377-382, 2006
Suppression of superconductivity in FeSe films under tensile strain
YF Nie, E Brahimi, JI Budnick, WA Hines, M Jain, BO Wells
Applied Physics Letters 94 (24), 2009
Intercalation and staging behavior in super-oxygenated La2CuO4 + δ
BO Wells, RJ Birgeneau, FC Chou, Y Endoh, DC Johnston, MA Kastner, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 100, 535-545, 1996
Instantaneous spin correlations in La 2 CuO 4
RJ Birgeneau, M Greven, MA Kastner, YS Lee, BO Wells, Y Endoh, ...
Physical Review B 59 (21), 13788, 1999
Structural phase transition in epitaxial perovskite films
F He, BO Wells, ZG Ban, SP Alpay, S Grenier, SM Shapiro, W Si, A Clark, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (23), 235405, 2004
Strain Phase Diagram and Domain Orientation in Thin Films
F He, BO Wells, SM Shapiro
Physical review letters 94 (17), 176101, 2005
Phase coexistence near a morphotropic phase boundary in Sm-doped BiFeO3 films
SB Emery, CJ Cheng, D Kan, FJ Rueckert, SP Alpay, V Nagarajan, ...
Applied physics letters 97 (15), 2010
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