Umberto Prisco
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Cited by
Effect of welding parameters on morphology and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V laser beam welded butt joints
A Squillace, U Prisco, S Ciliberto, A Astarita
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2), 427-436, 2012
Overview of current CAT systems
U Prisco, G Giorleo
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 9 (4), 373-387, 2002
Dimensional errors in longitudinal turning based on the unified generalized mechanics of cutting approach.: Part I: Three-dimensional theory
L Carrino, G Giorleo, W Polini, U Prisco
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 42 (14), 1509-1515, 2002
Friction-stir welding of AA 2198 butt joints: mechanical characterization of the process and of the welds through DOE analysis
C Bitondo, U Prisco, A Squilace, P Buonadonna, G Dionoro
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 53, 505-516, 2011
A comparison between wet and cryogenic drilling of CFRP/Ti stacks
F Impero, M Dix, A Squillace, U Prisco, B Palumbo, F Tagliaferri
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 33 (12), 1354-1360, 2018
Influence of filler material on micro-and macro-mechanical behaviour of laser-beam-welded T-joint for aerospace applications
A Squillace, U Prisco
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2009
Size-dependent distributions of particle velocity and temperature at impact in the cold-gas dynamic-spray process
U Prisco
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 216, 302-314, 2015
Friction stir welding of AA2198-T3 butt joints for aeronautical applications
C Bitondo, U Prisco, A Squillace, G Giorleo, P Buonadonna, G Dionoro, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 3, 1079-1082, 2010
Three-dimensional CFD simulation of two-phase flow inside the abrasive water jet cutting head
U Prisco, MC D'Onofrio
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and …, 2008
Thermal conductivity of flat-pressed wood plastic composites at different temperatures and filler content
U Prisco
Science and engineering of composite materials 21 (2), 197-204, 2014
Influence of processing parameters on microstructure and roughness of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
U Prisco, A Astarita, A El Hassanin, S Franchitti
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 34 (15), 1753-1760, 2019
Effect of process parameters in copper-wire drawing
GA Santana Martinez, WL Qian, LK Kabayama, U Prisco
Metals 10 (1), 105, 2020
LBW of Similar and dissimilar skin-stringer joints part i: process optimization and mechanical characterization
A Prisco, F Acerra, A Squillace, G Giorleo, C Pirozzi, U Prisco, F Bellucci
Advanced Materials Research 38, 306-319, 2008
Influence of welding parameters and post-weld aging on tensile properties and fracture location of AA2139-T351 friction-stir-welded joints
U Prisco, A Squillace, A Astarita, C Velotti
Materials Research 16, 1106-1112, 2013
Selective laser melting of Cu-inconel 718 powder mixtures
A El Hassanin, F Scherillo, U Prisco, R Sansone, A Astarita
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 59, 679-689, 2020
Friction stir welding of AlSi10Mg plates produced by selective laser melting
F Scherillo, A Astarita, U Prisco, V Contaldi, P di Petta, A Langella, ...
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 7, 457-463, 2018
Repairing of an engine block through the cold gas dynamic spray technology
A Astarita, F Coticelli, U Prisco
Materials Research 19 (6), 1226-1231, 2016
Experimental evaluation of properties of cross-linked polyethylene
C Meola, G Giorleo, U Prisco
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 18 (1), 135-144, 2003
The estimation of the diameter error in bar turning: a comparison among three cutting force models
W Polini, U Prisco
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 22, 465-474, 2003
Effect of filler content and temperature on steady‐state shear flow of wood/high density polyethylene composites
L Carrino, S Ciliberto, G Giorleo, U Prisco
Polymer Composites 32 (5), 796-809, 2011
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Articles 1–20