Meng Khoon Tey
Meng Khoon Tey
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Bose-Einstein condensation of strontium
S Stellmer, MK Tey, B Huang, R Grimm, F Schreck
Physical review letters 103 (20), 200401, 2009
Strong interaction between light and a single trapped atom without the need for a cavity
MK Tey, Z Chen, SA Aljunid, B Chng, F Huber, G Maslennikov, ...
Nature Physics 4 (12), 924-927, 2008
Deterministic entanglement generation from driving through quantum phase transitions
XY Luo, YQ Zou, LN Wu, Q Liu, MF Han, MK Tey, L You
Science 355 (6325), 620-623, 2017
Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a Fermi gas with resonant interactions
LA Sidorenkov, MK Tey, R Grimm, YH Hou, L Pitaevskii, S Stringari
Nature 498 (7452), 78-81, 2013
Qutrit state engineering with biphotons
YI Bogdanov, MV Chekhova, SP Kulik, GA Maslennikov, AA Zhukov, ...
Physical review letters 93 (23), 230503, 2004
A concise review of Rydberg atom based quantum computation and quantum simulation
X Wu, X Liang, Y Tian, F Yang, C Chen, YC Liu, MK Tey, L You
Chinese Physics B 30 (2), 020305, 2021
Double-degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of strontium
MK Tey, S Stellmer, R Grimm, F Schreck
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (1), 011608, 2010
Beating the classical precision limit with spin-1 Dicke states of more than 10,000 atoms
YQ Zou, LN Wu, Q Liu, XY Luo, SF Guo, JH Cao, MK Tey, L You
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (25), 6381-6385, 2018
Statistical reconstruction of qutrits
YI Bogdanov, MV Chekhova, LA Krivitsky, SP Kulik, AN Penin, AA Zhukov, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 042303, 2004
Phase shift of a weak coherent beam induced by a single atom
SA Aljunid, MK Tey, B Chng, T Liew, G Maslennikov, V Scarani, ...
Physical review letters 103 (15), 153601, 2009
Interfacing light and single atoms with a lens
MK Tey, G Maslennikov, TCH Liew, SA Aljunid, F Huber, B Chng, Z Chen, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (4), 043011, 2009
Bose-Einstein condensation of
S Stellmer, MK Tey, R Grimm, F Schreck
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 041602, 2010
Collision-induced broadband optical nonreciprocity
C Liang, B Liu, AN Xu, X Wen, C Lu, K Xia, MK Tey, YC Liu, L You
Physical Review Letters 125 (12), 123901, 2020
Collective modes in a unitary Fermi gas across the superfluid phase transition
MK Tey, LA Sidorenkov, ERS Guajardo, R Grimm, MJH Ku, MW Zwierlein, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (5), 055303, 2013
Observation of Broad -Wave Feshbach Resonances with a Triplet Structure
Y Cui, C Shen, M Deng, S Dong, C Chen, R Lü, B Gao, MK Tey, L You
Physical Review Letters 119 (20), 203402, 2017
Intracavity‐Squeezed Optomechanical Cooling
JH Gan, YC Liu, C Lu, X Wang, MK Tey, L You
Laser & Photonics Reviews 13 (11), 1900120, 2019
Faster state preparation across quantum phase transition assisted by reinforcement learning
SF Guo, F Chen, Q Liu, M Xue, JJ Chen, JH Cao, TW Mao, MK Tey, L You
Physical Review Letters 126 (6), 060401, 2021
Observation of broad -wave Feshbach resonances in ultracold mixtures
S Dong, Y Cui, C Shen, Y Wu, MK Tey, L You, B Gao
Physical Review A 94 (6), 062702, 2016
Higher-nodal collective modes in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas
ERS Guajardo, MK Tey, LA Sidorenkov, R Grimm
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 063601, 2013
Broad Feshbach resonances in ultracold alkali-metal systems
Y Cui, M Deng, L You, B Gao, MK Tey
Physical Review A 98 (4), 042708, 2018
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Articles 1–20