Lina Gunnarsson
Lina Gunnarsson
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Evolutionary conservation of human drug targets in organisms used for environmental risk assessments
L Gunnarsson, A Jauhiainen, E Kristiansson, O Nerman, DGJ Larsson
Environmental science & technology 42 (15), 5807-5813, 2008
Integrating human and environmental health in antibiotic risk assessment: a critical analysis of protection goals, species sensitivity and antimicrobial resistance
G Le Page, L Gunnarsson, J Snape, CR Tyler
Environment international 109, 155-169, 2017
Improving environmental risk assessment of human pharmaceuticals
M Ågerstrand, C Berg, B Björlenius, M Breitholtz, B Brunström, J Fick, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (9), 5336-5345, 2015
Pharmacology beyond the patient–The environmental risks of human drugs
L Gunnarsson, JR Snape, B Verbruggen, SF Owen, E Kristiansson, ...
Environment international 129, 320-332, 2019
Prioritising pharmaceuticals for environmental risk assessment: towards adequate and feasible first-tier selection
V Roos, L Gunnarsson, J Fick, DGJ Larsson, C Rudén
Science of the Total Environment 421, 102-110, 2012
Assessing variation in the potential susceptibility of fish to pharmaceuticals, considering evolutionary differences in their physiology and ecology
AR Brown, L Gunnarsson, E Kristiansson, CR Tyler
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Pharmaceutical industry effluent diluted 1: 500 affects global gene expression, cytochrome P450 1A activity, and plasma phosphate in fish
L Gunnarsson, E Kristiansson, C Rutgersson, J Sturve, J Fick, L Förlin, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (12), 2639-2647, 2010
Comparison of six different sewage treatment processes—Reduction of estrogenic substances and effects on gene expression in exposed male fish
L Gunnarsson, M Adolfsson-Erici, B Björlenius, C Rutgersson, L Förlin, ...
Science of the total environment 407 (19), 5235-5242, 2009
Sensitive and robust gene expression changes in fish exposed to estrogen–a microarray approach
L Gunnarsson, E Kristiansson, L Förlin, O Nerman, DGJ Larsson
BMC genomics 8, 1-9, 2007
ECOdrug: a database connecting drugs and conservation of their targets across species
B Verbruggen, L Gunnarsson, E Kristiansson, T Österlund, SF Owen, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1), D930-D936, 2018
Octopamine receptors from the barnacle Balanus improvisus are activated by the α2-adrenoceptor agonist medetomidine
U Lind, MA Rosenblad, LH Frank, S Falkbring, L Brive, JM Laurila, ...
Molecular pharmacology 78 (2), 237-248, 2010
Cardiovascular effects and molecular mechanisms of bisphenol A and its metabolite MBP in zebrafish
AR Brown, JM Green, J Moreman, LM Gunnarsson, S Mourabit, J Ball, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (1), 463-474, 2018
A novel method for cross-species gene expression analysis
E Kristiansson, T Österlund, L Gunnarsson, G Arne, DG Joakim Larsson, ...
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-14, 2013
Can branding and price of pharmaceuticals guide informed choices towards improved pollution control during manufacturing?
J Bengtsson-Palme, L Gunnarsson, DGJ Larsson
Journal of Cleaner Production 171, 137-146, 2018
Proteomic analyses indicate induction of hepatic carbonyl reductase/20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase B in rainbow trout exposed to sewage effluent
E Albertsson, P Kling, L Gunnarsson, DGJ Larsson, L Förlin
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 68 (1), 33-39, 2007
Vision of a near future: Bridging the human health–environment divide. Toward an integrated strategy to understand mechanisms across species for chemical safety assessment
C Rivetti, TEH Allen, JB Brown, E Butler, PL Carmichael, JK Colbourne, ...
Toxicology In Vitro 62, 104692, 2020
Does the scientific knowledge reflect the chemical diversity of environmental pollution?–A twenty-year perspective
E Kristiansson, J Coria, L Gunnarsson, M Gustavsson
Environmental Science & Policy 126, 90-98, 2021
Variability in cyanobacteria sensitivity to antibiotics and implications for environmental risk assessment
G Le Page, L Gunnarsson, M Trznadel, KCA Wedgwood, V Baudrot, ...
Science of the total environment 695, 133804, 2019
Global hepatic gene expression in rainbow trout exposed to sewage effluents: A comparison of different sewage treatment technologies
F Cuklev, L Gunnarsson, M Cvijovic, E Kristiansson, C Rutgersson, ...
Science of the total environment 427, 106-114, 2012
Environmental comparative pharmacology: theory and application
L Gunnarsson, E Kristiansson, DGJ Larsson
Human Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Current and Future Perspectives …, 2012
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Articles 1–20