Dr Emma Stone
Dr Emma Stone
University of Bath
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Cited by
Street lighting disturbs commuting bats
EL Stone, G Jones, S Harris
Current biology 19 (13), 1123-1127, 2009
Impacts of artificial lighting on bats: a review of challenges and solutions
EL Stone, S Harris, G Jones
Mammalian Biology 80 (3), 213-219, 2015
Conserving energy at a cost to biodiversity? Impacts of LED lighting on bats
EL Stone, G Jones, S Harris
Global change biology 18 (8), 2458-2465, 2012
Cats about town: is predation by free‐ranging pet cats Felis catus likely to affect urban bird populations?
PJ Baker, SE Molony, E Stone, IC Cuthill, S Harris
Ibis 150, 86-99, 2008
The global decline of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus and what it means for conservation
SM Durant, N Mitchell, R Groom, N Pettorelli, A Ipavec, AP Jacobson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (3), 528-533, 2017
Dark matters: the effects of artificial lighting on bats
EG Rowse, D Lewanzik, EL Stone, S Harris, G Jones
Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world, 187-213, 2016
Experimentally comparing the attractiveness of domestic lights to insects: do LED s attract fewer insects than conventional light types?
A Wakefield, M Broyles, EL Stone, G Jones, S Harris
Ecology and Evolution 6 (22), 8028-8036, 2016
Quantifying the attractiveness of broad‐spectrum street lights to aerial nocturnal insects
A Wakefield, M Broyles, EL Stone, S Harris, G Jones
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 714-722, 2018
Light-emitting diode street lights reduce last-ditch evasive manoeuvres by moths to bat echolocation calls
A Wakefield, EL Stone, G Jones, S Harris
Royal Society open science 2 (8), 150291, 2015
The impacts of new street light technologies: experimentally testing the effects on bats of changing from low-pressure sodium to white metal halide
EL Stone, A Wakefield, S Harris, G Jones
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Experimentally manipulating light spectra reveals the importance of dark corridors for commuting bats
MRK Zeale, EL Stone, E Zeale, WJ Browne, S Harris, G Jones
Global Change Biology 24 (12), 5909-5918, 2018
Mitigating the Impact of Bats in Historic Churches: The Response of Natterer’s Bats Myotis nattereri to Artificial Roosts and Deterrence
MRK Zeale, E Bennitt, SE Newson, C Packman, WJ Browne, S Harris, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146782, 2016
Bats and lighting: Overview of current evidence and mitigation
EL Stone
Bristol, UK: University of Bristol, 78, 2013
Mitigating the effect of development on bats in England with derogation licensing
EL Stone, G Jones, S Harris
Conservation biology 27 (6), 1324-1334, 2013
Prey availability and intraguild competition regulate the spatiotemporal dynamics of a modified large carnivore guild
RS Davis, RW Yarnell, LK Gentle, A Uzal, WO Mgoola, EL Stone
Ecology and Evolution 11 (12), 7890-7904, 2021
Bats and roads
IM Abbott, A Berthinussen, E Stone, M Boonman, M Melber, J Altringham
Handbook of road ecology, 290-299, 2015
Spatial partial identity model reveals low densities of leopard and spotted hyaena in a miombo woodland
RS Davis, EL Stone, LK Gentle, WO Mgoola, A Uzal, RW Yarnell
Journal of Zoology 313 (1), 43-53, 2021
Managing conflict between bats and humans: the response of soprano pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) to exclusion from roosts in houses
E Stone, MRK Zeale, SE Newson, WJ Browne, S Harris, G Jones
PLoS One 10 (8), e0131825, 2015
Lighting up our waterways: Impacts of a current mitigation strategy on riparian bats
J Hooker, P Lintott, E Stone
Environmental Pollution 307, 119552, 2022
A review of spotted hyaena population estimates highlights the need for greater utilisation of spatial capture-recapture methods
RS Davis, LK Gentle, EL Stone, A Uzal, RW Yarnell
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 71 (22017), 22017.1-15, 2022
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Articles 1–20