Ruth Durán
Ruth Durán
Postdoc researcher
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Understanding sediment dynamics of two large submarine valleys from seafloor data: Blanes and La Fonera canyons, northwestern Mediterranean Sea
G Lastras, M Canals, D Amblas, C Lavoie, I Church, B De Mol, R Duran, ...
Marine Geology 280 (1-4), 20-39, 2011
Assessment of sand trapped by coastal structures towards better management. El Masnou (Maresme, Catalunya)
R Durán, M Nuez, B Alonso, G Ercilla, F Estrada, D Casas, M Farran
Geotemas 10, 511-514, 2009
Persistence of biogeochemical alterations of deep‐sea sediments by bottom trawling
S Paradis, M Goñi, P Masqué, R Durán, M Arjona‐Camas, A Palanques, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2), e2020GL091279, 2021
Morphological changes, beach inundation and overwash caused by an extreme storm on a low-lying embayed beach bounded by a dune system (NW Mediterranean)
R Durán, J Guillén, A Ruiz, JA Jiménez, E Sagristà
Geomorphology 274, 129-142, 2016
Submarine canyon-head morphologies and inferred sediment transport processes in the Alías-Almanzora canyon system (SW Mediterranean): On the role of the sediment supply
P Puig, R Durán, A Muñoz, E Elvira, J Guillén
Marine Geology 393, 21-34, 2017
Morphology and sediment dynamics of the northern Catalan continental shelf, northwestern Mediterranean Sea
R Durán, M Canals, JL Sanz, G Lastras, D Amblas, A Micallef
Geomorphology 204, 1-20, 2014
Sediment dynamics over sand ridges on a tideless mid-outer continental shelf
G Simarro, J Guillén, P Puig, M Ribó, CL Iacono, A Palanques, A Muñoz, ...
Marine Geology 361, 25-40, 2015
Shelves of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (I): Morphology and sediment types
LM Fernández-Salas, R Durán, FJ Lobo, M Ribó, M Canals
CSIC-Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), 2015
The biogeochemical cycling of methane in Ria de Vigo, NW Spain: sediment processing and sea–air exchange
V Kitidis, L Tizzard, G Uher, A Judd, RC Upstill-Goddard, IM Head, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 66 (1-4), 258-271, 2007
Impact of storm-induced remobilization on grain size distribution and organic carbon content in sediments from the Blanes Canyon area, NW Mediterranean Sea
R Pedrosa-Pàmies, A Sanchez-Vidal, A Calafat, M Canals, R Durán
Progress in Oceanography 118, 122-136, 2013
Sediment dynamics and post-glacial evolution of the continental shelf around the Blanes submarine canyon head (NW Mediterranean)
R Durán, M Canals, G Lastras, A Micallef, D Amblas, R Pedrosa-Pàmies, ...
Progress in Oceanography 118, 28-46, 2013
Shallow gas features in the Galician Rías Baixas (NW Spain)
A Ferrín, R Durán, R Diez, S García-Gil, F Vilas
Geo-Marine Letters 23, 207-214, 2003
Side scan sonar image and geologic interpretation of the Ría de Pontevedra seafloor (Galicia, NW Spain)
S García-Gil, R Durán, F Vilas
Scientia Marina 64 (4), 393-402, 2000
Gas accumulations and their association with particle size distribution patterns in the Ría de Arousa seabed (Galicia, NW Spain): an application of discriminant analysis
R Diez, S García-Gil, R Durán, F Vilas
Geo-Marine Letters 27, 89-102, 2007
The El Masnou infralittoral sedimentary environment (Barcelona province, NW Mediterranean Sea): morphology and Holocene seismic stratigraphy
G Ercilla, F Estrada Llàcer, D Casas Layola, R Durán, M Nuez, ...
Scientia Marina, 2009, vol. 74, num. 1, p. 179-179, 2009
Stratigraphic framework of gas accumulations in the Ría de Pontevedra (NW Spain)
R Durán, S García-Gil, F Vilas
Geo-Marine Letters 27 (2-4), 77-88, 2007
Evidence of trawling-induced resuspension events in the generation of nepheloid layers in the Foix submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)
M Arjona-Camas, P Puig, A Palanques, M Emelianov, R Durán
Journal of Marine Systems 196, 86-96, 2019
Formation, evolution and present-day activity of offshore sand ridges on a narrow, tideless continental shelf with limited sediment supply
R Durán, J Guillén, J Rivera, FJ Lobo, A Muñoz, LM Fernández-Salas, ...
Marine Geology 397, 93-107, 2018
Bidirectional bedform fields at the head of a submarine canyon (NE Atlantic)
CL Iacono, J Guillén, Q Guerrero, R Durán, C Wardell, RA Hall, T Aslam, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 542, 116321, 2020
Large sediment waves over the Gulf of Roses upper continental slope (NW Mediterranean)
M Ribó, R Durán, P Puig, D Van Rooij, J Guillén, P Masqué
Marine Geology 399, 84-96, 2018
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Articles 1–20