xuewen jiang
xuewen jiang
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Cited by
Cyanobacterial toxins in freshwater and food: important sources of exposure to humans
J Lee, S Lee, X Jiang
Annual review of food science and technology 8 (1), 281-304, 2017
Fresh produce and their soils accumulate cyanotoxins from irrigation water: Implications for public health and food security
S Lee, X Jiang, M Manubolu, K Riedl, SA Ludsin, JF Martin, J Lee
Food research international 102, 234-245, 2017
Multi-frequency Atomic Force Microscopy based on enhanced internal resonance of an inner-paddled cantilever
R Potekin, S Dharmasena, H Keum, X Jiang, J Lee, S Kim, LA Bergman, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 273, 206-220, 2018
Characterization of cyanophage in Lake Erie: Interaction mechanisms and structure damage of toxic cyanobacteria
X Jiang, C Ha, S Lee, J Kwon, H Cho, T Gorham, J Lee
Toxins 11 (8), 444, 2019
Sustainable Methods for Decontamination of Microcystin in Water Using Cold Plasma and UV with Reusable TiO2 Nanoparticle Coating
X Jiang, S Lee, C Mok, J Lee
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (5), 480, 2017
A Systematic Investigation of Microcystin Accumulation in Vegetables under Agricultural Environments: Potential Effects on Crop Performance and Public Health Risk
S Lee
Elsevier, 2018
Sustainable Methods for Cyanotoxin Treatment and Discovery of the Cyanophage
X Jiang
Ohio State University, 2017
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Articles 1–7