Sepand Riyahi
Sepand Riyahi
Postdoc researcher at Evolutionary Anthropology department, University of Vienna
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Single origin of human commensalism in the house sparrow
GP Sćtre, S Riyahi, M Aliabadian, JS Hermansen, S Hogner, U Olsson, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 25 (4), 788-796, 2012
Combined epigenetic and intraspecific variation of the DRD4 and SERT genes influence novelty seeking behavior in great tit Parus major
S Riyahi, M Sánchez-Delgado, F Calafell, D Monk, JC Senar
Epigenetics 10 (6), 516-525, 2015
Personality and urbanization: behavioural traits and DRD4 SNP830 polymorphisms in great tits in Barcelona city
S Riyahi, M Björklund, F Mateos-Gonzalez, JC Senar
Journal of Ethology 35, 101-108, 2017
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Beak and skull shapes of human commensal and non-commensal house sparrows Passer domesticus
S Riyahi, Ř Hammer, T Arbabi, A Sánchez, CS Roselaar, M Aliabadian, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 1-8, 2013
Natural epigenetic variation within and among six subspecies of the house sparrow Passer domesticus
S Riyahi, R Vilatersana, AW Schrey, HG Node, M Aliabadian, JC Senar
Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 4016-4023, 2017
No association between the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) and black belly stripe size variation in the Great Tit Parus major
S Riyahi, M Björklund, A Ödeen, JC Senar
Bird Study 62 (1), 150-152, 2015
Risk-taking coping style correlates with SERT SNP290 polymorphisms in free-living great tits
S Riyahi, JG Carrillo-Ortiz, F Uribe, F Calafell, JC Senar
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (9), jeb243342, 2022
Male social niche conformance? Effects of manipulated opportunity for extra-pair mating on behavior and hormones of male zebra finches
ND Lilie, S Riyahi, A Kalinowski, SM Salazar, S Kaiser, T Schmoll, ...
Hormones and Behavior 146, 105243, 2022
Year-round preference for spiders by Mediterranean Great Tits Parus major
E Pagani-Núńez, S Hernández-Gómez, S Riyahi, JC Senar
Ardeola 61 (2), 257-267, 2014
Male social niche conformance in zebra finches
ND Lilie, S Riyahi, P Korsten, T Schmoll
OSF, 2019
Local adaptation by birds to human-altered habitats: the great tit and the house sparrow as model species
S Riyahi
Universitat de Barcelona, 2017
Eight new records of bird species from North-Eastern Iran
M Aliabadian, S Riyahi, F Ghorbani, SS ARE, SM Ghasempouri, ...
Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 7 (1), 31-47, 2011
Transcriptomic changes in the posterior pallium of male zebra finches associated with social niche conformance
S Riyahi, ND Liebermann-Lilie, A Jacobs, P Korsten, U Mayer, T Schmoll
BMC genomics 25 (1), 694, 2024
Transcriptomic changes in the testes and brain associated with sperm competition risk in male zebra finches
S Riyahi, ND Liebermann-Lilie, A Jacobs, P Korsten, U Mayer, T Schmoll
Transcriptomic changes in the testes and brain associated with sperm competition risk in male zebra finches
U Mayer, S Riyahi, N Liebermann-Lilie, A Jacobs, P Korsten, T Schmoll
Male social niche conformance: a trade-off between extra-pair mating and paternal care in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)?
ND Lilie, S Riyahi, T Schmoll, P Korsten
OSF, 2020
Phylogeoghraphy of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in the Palearctic region
S Riyahi, M Aliabadian
3rd International Eurasian Ornithology Congress, 2010
Risk-taking coping style correlates with SERT SNP290 polymorphisms in free-living great tits [Dataset]
JC Senar, S Riyahi, JG Carrillo-Ortiz, F Uribe, F Calafell
Dryad, 0
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Articles 1–19