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Acceptance factors of pull requests in open-source projects
DM Soares, ML de Lima Júnior, L Murta, A Plastino
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1541-1546, 2015
What factors influence the reviewer assignment to pull requests?
DM Soares, ML de Lima Júnior, A Plastino, L Murta
Information and Software Technology 98, 32-43, 2018
Antiviral activity of crude hydroethanolic extract from Schinus terebinthifolia against herpes simplex virus type 1
SR Nocchi, MVP Companhoni, JCP de Mello, BP Dias Filho, ...
Planta medica 234 (06), 509-518, 2017
Automatic assignment of integrators to pull requests: The importance of selecting appropriate attributes
ML de Lima Júnior, DM Soares, A Plastino, L Murta
Journal of Systems and Software 144, 181-196, 2018
Developers assignment for analyzing pull requests
ML de Lima Júnior, DM Soares, A Plastino, L Murta
Proceedings of the 30th annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1567-1572, 2015
Rejection factors of pull requests filed by core team developers in software projects with high acceptance rates
DM Soares, MLDL Junior, L Murta, A Plastino
2015 IEEE 14th international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2015
What factors influence the lifetime of pull requests?
D Moreira Soares, ML de Lima Júnior, L Murta, A Plastino
Software: Practice and Experience, 2020
Predicting the lifetime of pull requests in open‐source projects
ML de Lima Júnior, D Soares, A Plastino, L Murta
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, e2337, 2021
ML d. L. JÞnior, L. Murta, and A. Plastino. 2015. Rejection Factors of Pull Requests Filed by Core Team Developers in Software Projects with High Acceptance Rates
DM Soares
2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 0
On the Nature of Duplicate Pull Requests: An Empirical Study Using Association Rules
C Lima, D Soares
Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2022
Measuring Unique Changes: How do Distinct Changes Affect the Size and Lifetime of Pull Requests?
DAN Silva, DM Soares, SA Gonçalves
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2020
O uso da TI na interação entre governo e cidadão: o e-Gov como estratégia de aumento da efetividade da prestação de serviços públicos na cidade de Rio Branco–Acre.
DM Soares, AFJ Costa
Conference: II Escola Regional de Informática da Terceira Região-II ERIN 3, 2012
O uso de metodologias ativas no ensino de Engenharia de Requisitos: O Caso do Projeto Web Academy
CRC Saar, LC Sarkis, DM Soares
Anais da VII Escola Regional de Engenharia de Software, 348-357, 2023
Contributions of an Extension Course focused on Good Software Engineering Practices for Students and IT Professionals
VKL Cavalcante, CS Costa, LC Sarkis, DM Soares, SM Freitas
Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 301-310, 2023
Projeto Web Academy: um relato sobre uma parceria entre indústria e universidade e os impactos no ecossistema local desenvolvimento de software
CRC Saar, DM Soares, LC Sarkis
Anais Estendidos do XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática …, 2023
Temporal analysis on pull request patterns: an approach with sliding window
S Gonçalves, D Soares, D Silva
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2021
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Articles 1–16