Lal Muthuwatta
Lal Muthuwatta
Regional researcher, International Water Management Institute
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Multi-variable calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model using streamflow data and satellite-based evapotranspiration
THM Rientjes, LP Muthuwatta, MG Bos, MJ Booij, HA Bhatti
Journal of hydrology 505, 276-290, 2013
Malaria risk factors in an endemic region of Sri Lanka, and the impact and cost implications of risk factor-based interventions.
DM Gunawardena, AR Wickremasinghe, L Muthuwatta, S Weerasingha, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 58 (5), 533-542, 1998
Assessment of water availability and consumption in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran—using remote sensing and geo-statistics
LP Muthuwatta, MD Ahmad, MG Bos, THM Rientjes
Water Resources Management 24, 459-484, 2010
Regionalisation for lake level simulation–the case of Lake Tana in the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
THM Rientjes, BUJ Perera, AT Haile, P Reggiani, LP Muthuwatta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (4), 1167-1183, 2011
Water scarcity variations within a country: A case study of Sri Lanka
RS UA Amarasinghe, L Mutuwatta
IWMI Research report, 1999
A SWAT evaluation of the effect of climate change on the hydrology of the Volta River basin
A Sood, L Muthuwatta, M McCartney
Water international 38 (3), 297-311, 2013
Global water demand projections: past, present and future
UA Amarasinghe, V Smakhtin
IWMI, 2014
The water resource implications of changing climate in the Volta River Basin
M McCartney, G Forkuor, A Sood, B Amisigo, F Hattermann, L Muthuwatta
IWMI, 2012
Earth observation-based assessment of the water production and water consumption of Nile Basin Agro-Ecosystems
VS WGM Bastiaanssen, P Karimi, LM Rebelo, Z Duan, G Senay, L Muthuwatte
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 10306-10334, 2014
Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: From concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin
P Pavelic, K Brindha, G Amarnath, N Eriyagama, L Muthuwatta, ...
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2015
Mapping basin-level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran
MD Ahmad, MA Islam, I Masih, L Muthuwatta, P Karimi, H Turral
Water international 34 (1), 119-133, 2009
Regional variation in suicide rates in Sri Lanka between 1955 and 2011: a spatial and temporal analysis
DW Knipe, P Padmanathan, L Muthuwatta, C Metcalfe, D Gunnell
BMC public health 17, 1-14, 2017
Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential
UA Amarasinghe, L Muthuwatta, L Surinaidu, S Anand, SK Jain
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (3), 1085-1101, 2016
Reviving the “Ganges Water Machine”: where and how much?
L Muthuwatta, UA Amarasinghe, A Sood, L Surinaidu
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (5), 2545-2557, 2017
Water for food in Bangladesh: outlook to 2030
UA Amarasinghe, BR Sharma, L Muthuwatta, ZH Khan
IWMI, 2014
Remote sensing and hydrologic models for performance assessment in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, India
WGM Bastiaanssen, DJ Molden, S Thiruvengadachari, L Mutuwatte, ...
IWMI, 1999
Quantifying the services of natural and built infrastructure in the context of climate change: the case of the Tana River Basin, Kenya.
M McCartney, S Foudi, L Muthuwatta, A Sood, G Simons, J Hunink, ...
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2019
Understanding the impacts of climate change in the Tana River Basin, Kenya
L Muthuwatta, A Sood, M McCartney, NS Silva, A Opere
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 379, 37-42, 2018
Actual and perceived causes of flood risk: climate versus anthropogenic effects in a wet zone catchment in Sri Lanka
N Eriyagama, M Thilakarathne, P Tharuka, T Munaweera, L Muthuwatta, ...
Water International 42 (7), 874-892, 2017
The water resource implications of changing climate in the Volta River Basin. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
M McCartney, G Forkuor, A Sood, B Amisigo, F Hattermann, L Muthuwatta
IWMI research report 146. http://www. iwmi. cgiar. org/Publications/IWMI …, 2012
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