Qilin Gu (古其林)
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Ceramic-based membranes for water and wastewater treatment
Z He, Z Lyu, Q Gu, L Zhang, J Wang
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 578, 123513, 2019
Hierarchical micro‐nano sheet arrays of nickel–cobalt double hydroxides for high‐rate Ni–Zn batteries
H Chen, Z Shen, Z Pan, Z Kou, X Liu, H Zhang, Q Gu, C Guan, J Wang
Advanced Science 6 (8), 1802002, 2019
Rational design of holey 2D nonlayered transition metal carbide/nitride heterostructure nanosheets for highly efficient water oxidation
Z Kou, T Wang, Q Gu, M Xiong, L Zheng, X Li, Z Pan, H Chen, F Verpoort, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (16), 1803768, 2019
Combination of ultrafast dye-sensitized-assisted electron transfer process and novel Z-scheme system: AgBr nanoparticles interspersed MoO3 nanobelts for enhancing …
B Feng, Z Wu, J Liu, K Zhu, Z Li, X Jin, Y Hou, Q Xi, M Cong, P Liu, Q Gu
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 206, 242-251, 2017
Design and analysis of negative permittivity behaviors in barium titanate/nickel metacomposites
Z Wang, K Sun, P Xie, Q Hou, Y Liu, Q Gu, R Fan
Acta Materialia 185, 412-419, 2020
Dendrite‐free potassium metal anodes in a carbonate electrolyte
P Liu, Y Wang, Q Gu, J Nanda, J Watt, D Mitlin
Advanced Materials 32 (7), 1906735, 2020
CuCo2S4 Nanosheets@N‐Doped Carbon Nanofibers by Sulfurization at Room Temperature as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts in Flexible Quasi‐Solid‐State Zn–Air …
Z Pan, H Chen, J Yang, Y Ma, Q Zhang, Z Kou, X Ding, Y Pang, L Zhang, ...
Advanced Science 6 (17), 1900628, 2019
Crystalline structure, defect chemistry and room temperature colossal permittivity of Nd-doped barium titanate
Q Sun, Q Gu, K Zhu, R Jin, J Liu, J Wang, J Qiu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-8, 2017
Developing better ceramic membranes for water and wastewater Treatment: Where microstructure integrates with chemistry and functionalities
Q Gu, TCA Ng, Y Bao, HY Ng, SC Tan, J Wang
Chemical Engineering Journal 428, 130456, 2022
Black Phosphorus@Ti3C2Tx MXene Composites with Engineered Chemical Bonds for Commercial-Level Capacitive Energy Storage
Z Pan, L Kang, T Li, M Waqar, J Yang, Q Gu, X Liu, Z Kou, Z Wang, ...
ACS nano 15 (8), 12975-12987, 2021
Permittivity transition from positive to negative in acrylic polyurethane-aluminum composites
Z Wang, K Sun, P Xie, Y Liu, Q Gu, R Fan
Composites Science and Technology 188, 107969, 2020
3D-printed surface-patterned ceramic membrane with enhanced performance in crossflow filtration
Z Lyu, TCA Ng, T Tran-Duc, GJH Lim, Q Gu, L Zhang, Z Zhang, J Ding, ...
Journal of membrane science 606, 118138, 2020
Silicon carbide microfiltration membranes for oil-water separation: Pore structure-dependent wettability matters
Q Jiang, Y Wang, Y Xie, M Zhou, Q Gu, Z Zhong, W Xing
Water Research 216, 118270, 2022
Epsilon-negative BaTiO3/Cu composites with high thermal conductivity and yet low electrical conductivity
Z Wang, K Sun, P Xie, Y Liu, Q Gu, R Fan, J Wang
Journal of Materiomics 6 (1), 145-151, 2020
Chemical-grafting of graphene oxide quantum dots (GOQDs) onto ceramic microfiltration membranes for enhanced water permeability and anti-organic fouling potential
Q Gu, TCA Ng, I Zain, X Liu, L Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Lyu, Z He, HY Ng, ...
Applied Surface Science 502, 144128, 2020
Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs)-boosted filtration membrane technology for water sustainability
Q Gu, HY Ng, D Zhao, J Wang
APL Materials 8 (4), 2020
Ultra-long VO 2 (A) nanorods using the high-temperature mixing method under hydrothermal conditions: synthesis, evolution and thermochromic properties
P Liu, K Zhu, Y Gao, Q Wu, J Liu, J Qiu, Q Gu, H Zheng
CrystEngComm 15 (14), 2753-2760, 2013
Heterogeneous ZIF-L membranes with improved hydrophilicity and anti-bacterial adhesion for potential application in water treatment
Q Gu, TCA Ng, Q Sun, AMK Elshahawy, Z Lyu, Z He, L Zhang, HY Ng, ...
RSC advances 9 (3), 1591-1601, 2019
Hydrogenated TiO2 membrane with photocatalytically enhanced anti-fouling for ultrafiltration of surface water
L Zhang, TCA Ng, X Liu, Q Gu, Y Pang, Z Zhang, Z Lyu, Z He, HY Ng, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 264, 118528, 2020
Insight into the structure-capacity relationship in biomass derived carbon for high-performance sodium-ion batteries
J Sun, Y Sun, JAS Oh, Q Gu, W Zheng, M Goh, K Zeng, Y Cheng, L Lu
Journal of Energy Chemistry 62, 497-504, 2021
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Articles 1–20