Adrian B Mann
Adrian B Mann
Materials Science & Engineering, Rutgers University, 08904
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Nanoindentation mapping of the mechanical properties of human molar tooth enamel
JL Cuy, AB Mann, KJ Livi, MF Teaford, TP Weihs
Archives of oral biology 47 (4), 281-291, 2002
Nanomechanical properties of solid surfaces and thin films
B Bhushan, AB Mann
Nanotribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction, 607-653, 2008
Effect of intermixing on self-propagating exothermic reactions in Al/Ni nanolaminate foils
AJ Gavens, D Van Heerden, AB Mann, ME Reiss, TP Weihs
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (3), 1255-1263, 2000
Modeling and characterizing the propagation velocity of exothermic reactions in multilayer foils
AB Mann, AJ Gavens, ME Reiss, D Van Heerden, G Bao, TP Weihs
Journal of applied physics 82 (3), 1178-1188, 1997
The effect of prism orientation on the indentation testing of human molar enamel
A Braly, LA Darnell, AB Mann, MF Teaford, TP Weihs
Archives of oral biology 52 (9), 856-860, 2007
Mechanical properties of amorphous anodic alumina and tantala films using nanoindentation
G Alcala, P Skeldon, GE Thompson, AB Mann, H Habazaki, K Shimizu
Nanotechnology 13 (4), 451, 2002
Electrochemical-control of abrasive polishing and machining rates
TP Weihs, AB Mann, PC Searson
US Patent 6,171,467, 2001
Numerical predictions of oscillatory combustion in reactive multilayers
S Jayaraman, OM Knio, AB Mann, TP Weihs
Journal of Applied Physics 86 (2), 800-809, 1999
Size-dependent phase transformations during point loading of silicon
AB Mann, D Van Heerden, JB Pethica, TP Weihs
Journal of Materials Research 15 (8), 1754-1758, 2000
Numerical study of the effect of heat losses on self-propagating reactions in multilayer foils
S Jayaraman, AB Mann, M Reiss, TP Weihs, OM Knio
Combustion and flame 124 (1-2), 178-194, 2001
Laser Spinning of Bioactive Glass Nanofibers
F Quintero, J Pou, R Comesaña, F Lusquiños, A Riveiro, AB Mann, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (19), 3084-3090, 2009
Accurate determination of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of thin films by a combination of acoustic microscopy and nanoindentation
MJ Bamber, KE Cooke, AB Mann, B Derby
Thin Solid Films 398, 299-305, 2001
Contact resistance and phase transformations during nanoindentation of silicon
AB Mann, D Heerden, JB Pethica, P Bowes, TP Weihs
Philosophical Magazine A 82 (10), 1921-1929, 2002
Effect of osteocalcin deficiency on the nanomechanics and chemistry of mouse bones
NB Kavukcuoglu, P Patterson-Buckendahl, AB Mann
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2 (4), 348-354, 2009
Nanomechanics, Chemistry and
AB Mann, ME Dickinson
The Teeth and Their Environment: Physical, Chemical and Biochemical …, 2005
Osteopontin deficiency and aging on nanomechanics of mouse bone
NB Kavukcuoglu, DT Denhardt, N Guzelsu, AB Mann
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A: An Official Journal of The …, 2007
Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology III
MR VanLandingham, PL Drzal, CC White, KJ Wahl, N Huber, AB Mann, ...
Post-polymerization of dental resin composite evaluated with nanoindentation and micro-Raman spectroscopy
D Mohamad, RJ Young, AB Mann, DC Watts
Archives of Orofacial Sciences 2, 26-31, 2007
The role of atomic size asperities in the mechanical deformation of nanocontacts
AB Mann, JB Pethica
Applied physics letters 69 (7), 907-909, 1996
Nanoindentation studies in a liquid environment
AB Mann, JB Pethica
Langmuir 12 (19), 4583-4586, 1996
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Articles 1–20