Maurice Chacron
Maurice Chacron
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Neural variability, detection thresholds, and information transmission in the vestibular system
SG Sadeghi, MJ Chacron, MC Taylor, KE Cullen
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (4), 771-781, 2007
Negative interspike interval correlations increase the neuronal capacity for encoding time-dependent stimuli
MJ Chacron, A Longtin, L Maler
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (14), 5328-5343, 2001
Parallel processing of sensory input by bursts and isolated spikes
AMM Oswald, MJ Chacron, B Doiron, J Bastian, L Maler
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (18), 4351-4362, 2004
Non-classical receptive field mediates switch in a sensory neuron's frequency tuning
MJ Chacron, B Doiron, L Maler, A Longtin, J Bastian
Nature 423 (6935), 77-81, 2003
Inhibitory feedback required for network oscillatory responses to communication but not prey stimuli
B Doiron, MJ Chacron, L Maler, A Longtin, J Bastian
Nature 421 (6922), 539-543, 2003
Plastic and nonplastic pyramidal cells perform unique roles in a network capable of adaptive redundancy reduction
J Bastian, MJ Chacron, L Maler
Neuron 41 (5), 767-779, 2004
Noise shaping by interval correlations increases information transfer
MJ Chacron, B Lindner, A Longtin
Physical review letters 92 (8), 080601, 2004
Suprathreshold stochastic firing dynamics with memory in P-type electroreceptors
MJ Chacron, A Longtin, M St-Hilaire, L Maler
Physical Review Letters 85 (7), 1576, 2000
Receptive field organization determines pyramidal cell stimulus-encoding capability and spatial stimulus selectivity
J Bastian, MJ Chacron, L Maler
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (11), 4577-4590, 2002
Electroreceptor neuron dynamics shape information transmission
MJ Chacron, L Maler, J Bastian
Nature neuroscience 8 (5), 673-678, 2005
Statistics of the vestibular input experienced during natural self-motion: implications for neural processing
J Carriot, M Jamali, MJ Chacron, KE Cullen
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (24), 8347-8357, 2014
Temporal processing across multiple topographic maps in the electrosensory system
R Krahe, J Bastian, MJ Chacron
Journal of Neurophysiology 100 (2), 852-867, 2008
Nonlinear information processing in a model sensory system
MJ Chacron
Journal of Neurophysiology 95 (5), 2933-2946, 2006
Interspike interval correlations, memory, adaptation, and refractoriness in a leaky integrate-and-fire model with threshold fatigue
MJ Chacron, K Pakdaman, A Longtin
Neural computation 15 (2), 253-278, 2003
Firing statistics of a neuron model driven by long-range correlated noise
JW Middleton, MJ Chacron, B Lindner, A Longtin
Physical Review E 68 (2), 021920, 2003
Efficient computation via sparse coding in electrosensory neural networks
MJ Chacron, A Longtin, L Maler
Current opinion in neurobiology 21 (5), 752-760, 2011
Integrate-and-fire neurons with threshold noise: A tractable model of how interspike interval correlations affect neuronal signal transmission
B Lindner, MJ Chacron, A Longtin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Feedback and feedforward control of frequency tuning to naturalistic stimuli
MJ Chacron, L Maler, J Bastian
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (23), 5521-5532, 2005
Population coding by electrosensory neurons
MJ Chacron, J Bastian
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (4), 1825-1835, 2008
Effects of restraint and immobilization on electrosensory behaviors of weakly electric fish
ÉM Hitschfeld, SA Stamper, K Vonderschen, ES Fortune, MJ Chacron
ILAR journal 50 (4), 361-372, 2009
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Articles 1–20