Colin Smalley
Colin Smalley
US Army Corps of Engineers
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Cited by
Spatial and temporal trends of polyhalogenated carbazoles in sediments of upper Great Lakes: insights into their origin
J Guo, Z Li, P Ranasinghe, S Bonina, S Hosseini, MB Corcoran, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (1), 89-97, 2017
Occurrence of atrazine and related compounds in sediments of upper Great Lakes
J Guo, Z Li, P Ranasinghe, S Bonina, S Hosseini, MB Corcoran, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (14), 7335-7343, 2016
Accumulation rates, focusing factors, and chronologies from depth profiles of 210Pb and 137Cs in sediments of the Laurentian Great Lakes
M Corcoran, MI Sherif, C Smalley, A Li, KJ Rockne, JP Giesy, NC Sturchio
Journal of Great Lakes Research 44 (4), 693-704, 2018
Radioisotope Geochronology of Lake Superior Sediments
CC Smalley
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
Legacy agricultural terraces as a sustainability asset: A rapid assessment technique
FM Shepard, CC Smalley
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 120 (1–2), 57-67, 2017
Spatial and temporal trends of polyhalogenated carbazoles in sediments of upper Great Lakes: insights into their origin.
GJH Guo JieHong, LZN Li ZhuoNa, P Ranasinghe, S Bonina, S Hosseini, ...
Occurrence of atrazine and related compounds in sediments of Upper Great Lakes.
GJH Guo JieHong, LZN Li ZhuoNa, P Ranasinghe, S Bonina, S Hosseini, ...
The understory tree species, Ostrya virginiana (eastern hophornbeam): A “poster child” for shifting forest composition at the prairie-forest boundary in the central United States
MA Vinton, C Smalley, E Hines
Ecological Society of America 98, 2013
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