Michael Hinze
Michael Hinze
Professor for optimization of complex systems, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Koblenz
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Optimization with PDE constraints
M Hinze, R Pinnau, M Ulbrich, S Ulbrich
A variational discretization concept in control constrained optimization: the linear-quadratic case
M Hinze
Computational Optimization and Applications 30, 45-61, 2005
Proper orthogonal decomposition surrogate models for nonlinear dynamical systems: Error estimates and suboptimal control
M Hinze, S Volkwein
Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop held …, 2005
Second order methods for optimal control of time-dependent fluid flow
M Hinze, K Kunisch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 40 (3), 925-946, 2001
Convergence of a finite element approximation to a state-constrained elliptic control problem
K Deckelnick, M Hinze
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 45 (5), 1937-1953, 2007
Adaptive Control of a Wake Flow Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition¹
K Afanasiev, M Hinze
Shape Optimization and Optimal Design 216, 317, 2017
Optimal and instantaneous control of the instationary Navier-Stokes equations
M Hinze
Habilitation, TU Berlin, 2000
Instantaneous control of backward-facing step flows
H Choi, M Hinze, K Kunisch
Applied numerical mathematics 31 (2), 133-158, 1999
Model reduction for circuit simulation
P Benner, M Hinze, EJW Ter Maten
Springer, 2011
Error estimates for abstract linear–quadratic optimal control problems using proper orthogonal decomposition
M Hinze, S Volkwein
Computational Optimization and Applications 39, 319-345, 2008
Finite element approximation of Dirichlet boundary control for elliptic PDEs on two-and three-dimensional curved domains
K Deckelnick, A Günther, M Hinze
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (4), 2798-2819, 2009
Analysis of instantaneous control for the Burgers equation
M Hinze, S Volkwein
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 50 (1), 1-26, 2002
Moreau–Yosida regularization in state constrained elliptic control problems: error estimates and parameter adjustment
M Hintermüller, M Hinze
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (3), 1666-1683, 2009
Optimal control of the free boundary in a two-phase Stefan problem
M Hinze, S Ziegenbalg
Journal of Computational Physics 223 (2), 657-684, 2007
An adaptive finite-element Moreau–Yosida-based solver for a non-smooth Cahn–Hilliard problem
M Hintermüller, M Hinze, MH Tber
Optimization Methods and Software 26 (4-5), 777-811, 2011
A SQP-semismooth Newton-type algorithm applied to control of the instationary Navier--Stokes system subject to control constraints
M Hintermüller, M Hinze
SIAM Journal on Optimization 16 (4), 1177-1200, 2006
Variational discretization for optimal control governed by convection dominated diffusion equations
M Hinze, N Yan, Z Zhou
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 237-253, 2009
A note on the approximation of elliptic control problems with bang-bang controls
K Deckelnick, M Hinze
Computational Optimization and Applications 51, 931-939, 2012
Second order methods for boundary control of the instationary Navier‐Stokes system
M Hinze, K Kunisch
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2004
Three control methods for time-dependent fluid flow
M Hinze, K Kunisch
Flow, turbulence and combustion 65, 273-298, 2000
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Articles 1–20