Lin Cai
Lin Cai
Professor, University of Victoria, IEEE/EIC/CAE Fellow, NSERC Steacie Fellow, RSC College Member
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Topology control for wireless sensor networks
J Pan, T Hou, L Cai, Y Shi, X Shen
9th ACM Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM'03), 286-299, 2003
Optimal base-station locations in two-tiered wireless sensor networks
J Pan, L Cai, YT Hou, Y Shi, SX Shen
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 4 (5), 458-473, 2005
Optimal charging scheduling by pricing for EV charging station with dual charging modes
Y Zhang, P You, L Cai
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (9), 3386-3396, 2018
Voice capacity analysis of WLAN with unbalanced traffic
L Cai, X Shen, JW Mark, L Cai, Y Xiao
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 55 (3), 752-761, 2006
REX: A randomized exclusive region based scheduling scheme for mmWave WPANs with directional antenna
LX Cai, L Cai, X Shen, JW Mark
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (1), 113-121, 2010
Efficient computing resource sharing for mobile edge-cloud computing networks
Y Zhang, X Lan, J Ren, L Cai
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28 (3), 1227-1240, 2020
Energy-efficient user scheduling and power allocation for NOMA-based wireless networks with massive IoT devices
D Zhai, R Zhang, L Cai, B Li, Y Jiang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 1857-1868, 2018
Intelligent parking garage EV charging scheduling considering battery charging characteristic
Z Wei, Y Li, Y Zhang, L Cai
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 65 (3), 2806-2816, 2017
RSS distribution-based passive localization and its application in sensor networks
C Liu, D Fang, Z Yang, H Jiang, X Chen, W Wang, T Xing, L Cai
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (4), 2883-2895, 2015
Performance analysis of group-synchronized DCF for dense IEEE 802.11 networks
L Zheng, M Ni, L Cai, J Pan, C Ghosh, K Doppler
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (11), 6180-6192, 2014
UAV-assisted dynamic coverage in a heterogeneous cellular system
Y Li, L Cai
IEEE Network 31 (4), 56-61, 2017
Electric vehicle charging scheme for a park-and-charge system considering battery degradation costs
Z Wei, Y Li, L Cai
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 3 (3), 361-373, 2018
A real-time adaptive algorithm for video streaming over multiple wireless access networks
M Xing, S Xiang, L Cai
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in communications 32 (4), 795-805, 2014
STDMA-based scheduling algorithm for concurrent transmissions in directional millimeter wave networks
J Qiao, LX Cai, X Shen, JW Mark
2012 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 5221-5225, 2012
Performance analysis of TCP-friendly AIMD algorithms for multimedia applications
L Cai, X Shen, J Pan, JW Mark
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7 (2), 339-355, 2005
VoIP over WLAN: Voice capacity, admission control, QoS, and MAC
L Cai, Y Xiao, X Shen, L Cai, J W. Mark
International Journal of communication systems 19 (4), 491-508, 2006
UAV-assisted vehicular edge computing for the 6G internet of vehicles: Architecture, intelligence, and challenges
J Hu, C Chen, L Cai, MR Khosravi, Q Pei, S Wan
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 5 (2), 12-18, 2021
Dynamic charging scheduling for EV parking lots with photovoltaic power system
Y Zhang, L Cai
IEEE Access 6, 56995-57005, 2018
Time and location-critical emergency message dissemination for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Y Zhuang, J Pan, Y Luo, L Cai
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (1), 187-196, 2010
Partner selection based on optimal power allocation in cooperative-diversity systems
V Mahinthan, L Cai, JW Mark, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (1), 511-520, 2008
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Articles 1–20