Hedi Hegyi
Hedi Hegyi
group leader at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology
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Cited by
The relationship between protein structure and function: a comprehensive survey with application to the yeast genome
H Hegyi, M Gerstein
Journal of molecular biology 288 (1), 147-164, 1999
Panmicrobial oligonucleotide array for diagnosis of infectious diseases
G Palacios, PL Quan, OJ Jabado, S Conlan, DL Hirschberg, Y Liu, J Zhai, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 13 (1), 73, 2007
Molecular fossils in the human genome: identification and analysis of the pseudogenes in chromosomes 21 and 22
PM Harrison, H Hegyi, S Balasubramanian, NM Luscombe, P Bertone, ...
Genome research 12 (2), 272-280, 2002
The protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) superfamily: detection of bacterial homologues
P Bork, NP Brown, H Hegyi, J Schultz
Protein Science 5 (7), 1421-1425, 1996
The implications of alternative splicing in the ENCODE protein complement
ML Tress, PL Martelli, A Frankish, GA Reeves, JJ Wesselink, C Yeats, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (13), 5495-5500, 2007
The relationship between proteome size, structural disorder and organism complexity
E Schad, P Tompa, H Hegyi
Genome biology 12, 1-13, 2011
Annotation transfer for genomics: measuring functional divergence in multi-domain proteins
H Hegyi, M Gerstein
Genome research 11 (10), 1632-1640, 2001
Comparing genomes in terms of protein structure: surveys of a finite parts list
M Gerstein, H Hegyi
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 22 (4), 277-304, 1998
Structural disorder promotes assembly of protein complexes
H Hegyi, E Schad, P Tompa
BMC structural biology 7, 1-9, 2007
Intrinsic structural disorder confers cellular viability on oncogenic fusion proteins
H Hegyi, L Buday, P Tompa
PLoS computational biology 5 (10), e1000552, 2009
Automatic target selection for structural genomics on eukaryotes
J Liu, H Hegyi, TB Acton, GT Montelione, B Rost
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 56 (2), 188-200, 2004
Intrinsically disordered proteins display no preference for chaperone binding in vivo
H Hegyi, P Tompa
PLoS computational biology 4 (3), e1000017, 2008
Verification of alternative splicing variants based on domain integrity, truncation length and intrinsic protein disorder
H Hegyi, L Kalmar, T Horvath, P Tompa
Nucleic acids research 39 (4), 1208-1219, 2011
Identification and correction of abnormal, incomplete and mispredicted proteins in public databases
A Nagy, H Hegyi, K Farkas, H Tordai, E Kozma, L Bányai, L Patthy
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-26, 2008
Enhancer-promoter interaction facilitated by transiently forming G-quadruplexes
H Hegyi
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9165, 2015
Structural genomics analysis: characteristics of atypical, common, and horizontally transferred folds
H Hegyi, J Lin, D Greenbaum, M Gerstein
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 47 (2), 126-141, 2002
On the classification and evolution of protein modules
H Hegyi, P Bork
Journal of protein chemistry 16 (5), 545-551, 1997
GABBR1 has a HERV-W LTR in its regulatory region–a possible implication for schizophrenia
H Hegyi
Biology direct 8, 1-4, 2013
TOPDOM: database of domains and motifs with conservative location in transmembrane proteins
GE Tusnady, L Kalmar, H Hegyi, P Tompa, I Simon
Bioinformatics 24 (12), 1469-1470, 2008
The SBASE protein domain library, release 5.0: a collection of annotated protein sequence segments
P Fábián, J Murvai, Z Hátsági, K Vlahovicek, H Hegyi, S Pongor
Nucleic acids research 25 (1), 240-243, 1997
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Articles 1–20