Damian Wójtowicz
Damian Wójtowicz
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw
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Cited by
Transcription-dependent dynamic supercoiling is a short-range genomic force
F Kouzine, A Gupta, L Baranello, D Wojtowicz, K Ben-Aissa, J Liu, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 20 (3), 396-403, 2013
RNA polymerase II regulates topoisomerase 1 activity to favor efficient transcription
L Baranello, D Wojtowicz, K Cui, BN Devaiah, HJ Chung, KY Chan-Salis, ...
Cell 165 (2), 357-371, 2016
Permanganate/S1 nuclease footprinting reveals non-B DNA structures with regulatory potential across a mammalian genome
F Kouzine, D Wojtowicz, L Baranello, A Yamane, S Nelson, W Resch, ...
Cell systems 4 (3), 344-356. e7, 2017
Global regulation of promoter melting in naive lymphocytes
F Kouzine, D Wojtowicz, A Yamane, W Resch, KR Kieffer-Kwon, R Bandle, ...
Cell 153 (5), 988-999, 2013
Structural and functional characterization of the LPS transporter LptDE from Gram-negative pathogens
I Botos, N Majdalani, SJ Mayclin, JG McCarthy, K Lundquist, D Wojtowicz, ...
Structure 24 (6), 965-976, 2016
Crystal Structures of the Outer Membrane Domain of Intimin and Invasin from Enterohemorrhagic E. coli and Enteropathogenic Y. pseudotuberculosis
JW Fairman, N Dautin, D Wojtowicz, W Liu, N Noinaj, TJ Barnard, E Udho, ...
Structure, 2012
Detecting presence of mutational signatures in cancer with confidence
X Huang, D Wojtowicz, TM Przytycka
Bioinformatics 34 (2), 330-337, 2018
DNA break mapping reveals topoisomerase II activity genome-wide
L Baranello, F Kouzine, D Wojtowicz, K Cui, TM Przytycka, K Zhao, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 15 (7), 13111-13122, 2014
The genome-wide distribution of non-B DNA motifs is shaped by operon structure and suggests the transcriptional importance of non-B DNA structures in Escherichia coli
X Du, D Wojtowicz, AA Bowers, D Levens, CJ Benham, TM Przytycka
Nucleic acids research 41 (12), 5965-5977, 2013
BeWith: A Between-Within method to discover relationships between cancer modules via integrated analysis of mutual exclusivity, co-occurrence and functional interactions
P Dao, YA Kim, D Wojtowicz, S Madan, R Sharan, TM Przytycka
PLoS computational biology 13 (10), e1005695, 2017
Potential non-B DNA regions in the human genome are associated with higher rates of nucleotide mutation and expression variation
X Du, EM Gertz, D Wojtowicz, D Zhabinskaya, D Levens, CJ Benham, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (20), 12367-12379, 2014
Teasing apart translational and transcriptional components of stochastic variations in eukaryotic gene expression
R Salari, D Wojtowicz, J Zheng, D Levens, Y Pilpel, TM Przytycka
Public Library of Science 8 (8), e1002644, 2012
Mutational signatures: From methods to mechanisms
YA Kim, MDM Leiserson, P Moorjani, R Sharan, D Wojtowicz, ...
Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science 4 (1), 189-206, 2021
Network-based approaches elucidate differences within APOBEC and clock-like signatures in breast cancer
YA Kim, D Wojtowicz, R Sarto Basso, I Sason, W Robinson, ...
Genome medicine 12, 1-12, 2020
Hidden Markov models lead to higher resolution maps of mutation signature activity in cancer
D Wojtowicz, I Sason, X Huang, YA Kim, MDM Leiserson, TM Przytycka, ...
Genome medicine 11, 1-12, 2019
In vivo chemical probing for G-quadruplex formation
F Kouzine, D Wojtowicz, A Yamane, R Casellas, TM Przytycka, DL Levens
G-Quadruplex Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols, 369-382, 2019
A model for the evolution of paralog families in genomes
R Rudnicki, J Tiuryn, D Wójtowicz
Journal of mathematical biology 53, 759-770, 2006
Dosage-Dependent Expression Variation Suppressed on the Drosophila Male X Chromosome
H Lee, DY Cho, D Wojtowicz, ST Harbison, S Russell, B Oliver, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (2), 587-598, 2018
A discrete model of evolution of small paralog families
J Tiuryn, D Wojtowicz, R Rudnicki
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 17 (06), 933-955, 2007
Evolution of gene families based on gene duplication, loss, accumulated change, and innovation
D Wójtowicz, J Tiuryn
Journal of Computational Biology 14 (4), 479-495, 2007
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Articles 1–20