Bernhard Wolfrum
Bernhard Wolfrum
Neuroelectronics, Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
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Cited by
Nanofluidic redox cycling amplification for the selective detection of catechol
B Wolfrum, M Zevenbergen, S Lemay
Analytical chemistry 80 (4), 972-977, 2008
Stochastic sensing of single molecules in a nanofluidic electrochemical device
MAG Zevenbergen, PS Singh, ED Goluch, BL Wolfrum, SG Lemay
Nano letters 11 (7), 2881-2886, 2011
Fast electron-transfer kinetics probed in nanofluidic channels
MAG Zevenbergen, BL Wolfrum, ED Goluch, PS Singh, SG Lemay
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (32), 11471-11477, 2009
Detachment and sonoporation of adherent HeLa-cells by shock wave-induced cavitation
CD Ohl, B Wolfrum
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1624 (1-3), 131-138, 2003
Nanostructured gold microelectrodes for extracellular recording from electrogenic cells
D Brüggemann, B Wolfrum, V Maybeck, Y Mourzina, M Jansen, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (26), 265104, 2011
Printed microelectrode arrays on soft materials: from PDMS to hydrogels
N Adly, S Weidlich, S Seyock, F Brings, A Yakushenko, A Offenhäusser, ...
npj flexible electronics 2 (1), 15, 2018
Redox cycling in nanofluidic channels using interdigitated electrodes
ED Goluch, B Wolfrum, PS Singh, MAG Zevenbergen, SG Lemay
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 394, 447-456, 2009
CMOS-compatible silicon nanowire field-effect transistor biosensor: Technology development toward commercialization
DP Tran, TTT Pham, B Wolfrum, A Offenhäusser, B Thierry
Materials 11 (5), 785, 2018
Nanoscale electrochemical sensor arrays: redox cycling amplification in dual-electrode systems
B Wolfrum, E Kätelhön, A Yakushenko, KJ Krause, N Adly, M Hüske, ...
Accounts of chemical research 49 (9), 2031-2040, 2016
Analyzing the electroactive surface of gold nanopillars by electrochemical methods for electrode miniaturization
F Schröper, D Brüggemann, Y Mourzina, B Wolfrum, A Offenhäusser, ...
Electrochimica acta 53 (21), 6265-6272, 2008
Graphene transistors for interfacing with cells: towards a deeper understanding of liquid gating and sensitivity
D Kireev, M Brambach, S Seyock, V Maybeck, W Fu, B Wolfrum, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6658, 2017
Electrochemical correlation spectroscopy in nanofluidic cavities
MAG Zevenbergen, PS Singh, ED Goluch, BL Wolfrum, SG Lemay
Analytical chemistry 81 (19), 8203-8212, 2009
Nanocavity redox cycling sensors for the detection of dopamine fluctuations in microfluidic gradients
E Kätelhön, B Hofmann, SG Lemay, MAG Zevenbergen, ...
Analytical chemistry 82 (20), 8502-8509, 2010
Observations of pressure-wave-excited contrast agent bubbles in the vicinity of cells
B Wolfrum, R Mettin, T Kurz, W Lauterborn
Applied Physics Letters 81 (26), 5060-5062, 2002
Dynamics of laser-induced cavitation bubbles
I Akhatov, N Vakhitova, A Topolnikov, K Zakirov, B Wolfrum, T Kurz, ...
Experimental thermal and fluid science 26 (6-7), 731-737, 2002
Fully printed μ-needle electrode array from conductive polymer ink for bioelectronic applications
S Zips, L Grob, P Rinklin, K Terkan, NY Adly, LJK Weiß, D Mayer, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (36), 32778-32786, 2019
Stochasticity in single-molecule nanoelectrochemistry: origins, consequences, and solutions
PS Singh, E Katelhon, K Mathwig, B Wolfrum, SG Lemay
ACS nano 6 (11), 9662-9671, 2012
Suspended nanoporous membranes as interfaces for neuronal biohybrid systems
B Wolfrum, Y Mourzina, F Sommerhage, A Offenhäusser
Nano letters 6 (3), 453-457, 2006
Tuning channel architecture of interdigitated organic electrochemical transistors for recording the action potentials of electrogenic cells
Y Liang, F Brings, V Maybeck, S Ingebrandt, B Wolfrum, A Pich, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (29), 1902085, 2019
Toward intraoperative detection of disseminated tumor cells in lymph nodes with silicon nanowire field effect transistors
DP Tran, MA Winter, B Wolfrum, R Stockmann, CT Yang, ...
ACS nano 10 (2), 2357-2364, 2016
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Articles 1–20