Thomas Schmidt
Thomas Schmidt
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One-dimensional quantum liquids: Beyond the Luttinger liquid paradigm
A Imambekov, TL Schmidt, LI Glazman
Reviews of Modern Physics 84 (3), 1253, 2012
Inelastic electron backscattering in a generic helical edge channel
TL Schmidt, S Rachel, F von Oppen, LI Glazman
Physical review letters 108 (15), 156402, 2012
Transient dynamics of the Anderson impurity model out of equilibrium
TL Schmidt, P Werner, L Mühlbacher, A Komnik
Physical Review B 78 (23), 235110, 2008
Fermionic reaction coordinates and their application to an autonomous Maxwell demon in the strong-coupling regime
P Strasberg, G Schaller, TL Schmidt, M Esposito
Physical Review B 97 (20), 205405, 2018
Non-Abelian parafermions in time-reversal-invariant interacting helical systems
CP Orth, RP Tiwari, T Meng, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 91 (8), 081406, 2015
Disorder-driven exceptional lines and Fermi ribbons in tilted nodal-line semimetals
K Moors, AA Zyuzin, AY Zyuzin, RP Tiwari, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 99 (4), 041116, 2019
Charge transfer statistics of a molecular quantum dot with a vibrational degree of freedom
TL Schmidt, A Komnik
Physical Review B 80 (4), 041307, 2009
Edge physics in two-dimensional topological insulators
G Dolcetto, M Sassetti, TL Schmidt
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 39 (3), 113-154, 2016
Charge transfer statistics of a molecular quantum dot with strong electron-phonon interaction
S Maier, TL Schmidt, A Komnik
Physical Review B 83 (8), 085401, 2011
Spin-charge separation in one-dimensional fermion systems beyond Luttinger liquid theory
TL Schmidt, A Imambekov, LI Glazman
Physical Review B 82 (24), 245104, 2010
Fate of 1D spin-charge separation away from Fermi points
TL Schmidt, A Imambekov, LI Glazman
Physical review letters 104 (11), 116403, 2010
Current correlations in quantum spin hall insulators
TL Schmidt
Physical review letters 107 (9), 096602, 2011
Majorana qubit rotations in microwave cavities
TL Schmidt, A Nunnenkamp, C Bruder
Physical review letters 110 (10), 107006, 2013
Quantum thermodynamics of the resonant-level model with driven system-bath coupling
P Haughian, M Esposito, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 97 (8), 085435, 2018
Spin texture of generic helical edge states
A Rod, TL Schmidt, S Rachel
Physical Review B 91 (24), 245112, 2015
Microwave-controlled coupling of Majorana bound states
TL Schmidt, A Nunnenkamp, C Bruder
New journal of physics 15 (2), 025043, 2013
parafermions in one-dimensional fermionic lattices
A Calzona, T Meng, M Sassetti, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 98 (20), 201110, 2018
The topological Anderson insulator phase in the Kane-Mele model
CP Orth, T Sekera, C Bruder, TL Schmidt
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24007, 2016
Electron transport in multiterminal networks of Majorana bound states
L Weithofer, P Recher, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 90 (20), 205416, 2014
Transient dynamics of a molecular quantum dot with a vibrational degree of freedom
RP Riwar, TL Schmidt
Physical Review B 80 (12), 125109, 2009
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Articles 1–20