Antonio Ramos
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Cited by
AC electrokinetics: a review of forces in microelectrode structures
A Ramos, H Morgan, NG Green, A Castellanos
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31 (18), 2338, 1998
Electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis in microsystems: scaling laws
A Castellanos, A Ramos, A Gonzalez, NG Green, H Morgan
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36 (20), 2584, 2003
Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes. I. Experimental measurements
NG Green, A Ramos, A Gonzalez, H Morgan, A Castellanos
Physical review E 61 (4), 4011, 2000
AC electric-field-induced fluid flow in microelectrodes
A Ramos, H Morgan, NG Green, A Castellanos
Journal of colloid and interface science 217 (2), 1999
Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes. III. Observation of streamlines and numerical simulation
NG Green, A Ramos, A Gonzalez, H Morgan, A Castellanos
Physical review E 66 (2), 026305, 2002
Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes. II. A linear double-layer analysis
A Gonzalez, A Ramos, NG Green, A Castellanos, H Morgan
Physical review E 61 (4), 4019, 2000
Electrothermally induced fluid flow on microelectrodes
NG Green, A Ramos, A Gonzalez, A Castellanos, H Morgan
Journal of Electrostatics 53 (2), 71-87, 2001
AC electrokinetics: a survey of sub-micrometre particle dynamics
NG Green, A Ramos, H Morgan
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (6), 632, 2000
Pumping of liquids with ac voltages applied to asymmetric pairs of microelectrodes
A Ramos, A González, A Castellanos, NG Green, H Morgan
Physical review E 67 (5), 056302, 2003
The dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces generated by interdigitated electrode arrays: analytical solution using Fourier series
H Morgan, AG Izquierdo, D Bakewell, NG Green, A Ramos
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (10), 1553, 2001
Electrokinetics and Electrohydrodynamics in Microsystems
Springer, 2011
Review on the physics of electrospray: from electrokinetics to the operating conditions of single and coaxial Taylor cone-jets, and AC electrospray
AM Gañán-Calvo, JM López-Herrera, MA Herrada, A Ramos, ...
Journal of Aerosol Science 125, 32-56, 2018
Numerical solution of the dielectrophoretic and travelling wave forces for interdigitated electrode arrays using the finite element method
NG Green, A Ramos, H Morgan
Journal of Electrostatics 56 (2), 235-254, 2002
Pumping of liquids with traveling-wave electroosmosis
A Ramos, H Morgan, NG Green, A González, A Castellanos
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (8), 2005
Electrothermal flows generated by alternating and rotating electric fields in microsystems
A González, A Ramos, H Morgan, NG Green, A Castellanos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 564, 415-433, 2006
Electric field induced fluid flow on microelectrodes: the effect of illumination
NG Green, A Ramos, A González, A Castellanos, H Morgan
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (2), L13, 2000
Flow regimes in fine cohesive powders
A Castellanos, JM Valverde, AT Pérez, A Ramos, PK Watson
Physical review letters 82 (6), 1156-1159, 1999
The tensile strength of cohesive powders and its relationship to consolidation, free volume and cohesivity
JM Valverde, A Ramos, A Castellanos, P Keith Watson
Powder Technology 97 (3), 237-245, 1998
The role of electrohydrodynamic forces in the dielectrophoretic manipulation and separation of particles
A Ramos, H Morgan, NG Green, A Castellanos
Journal of Electrostatics 47 (1-2), 71-81, 1999
Experiments on AC electrokinetic pumping of liquids using arrays of microelectrodes
P García-Sánchez, A Ramos, NG Green, H Morgan
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 13 (3), 670-677, 2006
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Articles 1–20