W. Hamish Mehaffey
W. Hamish Mehaffey
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Specific T-type calcium channel isoforms are associated with distinct burst phenotypes in deep cerebellar nuclear neurons
ML Molineux, JE McRory, BE McKay, J Hamid, WH Mehaffey, R Rehak, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (14), 5555-5560, 2006
Regulation of neuronal activity by Cav3-Kv4 channel signaling complexes
D Anderson, WH Mehaffey, M Iftinca, R Rehak, JDT Engbers, S Hameed, ...
Nature neuroscience 13 (3), 333-337, 2010
Intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channels modulate summation of parallel fiber input in cerebellar Purkinje cells
JDT Engbers, D Anderson, H Asmara, R Rehak, WH Mehaffey, S Hameed, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2601-2606, 2012
Deterministic multiplicative gain control with active dendrites
WH Mehaffey, B Doiron, L Maler, RW Turner
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (43), 9968-9977, 2005
A-type and T-type currents interact to produce a novel spike latency-voltage relationship in cerebellar stellate cells
ML Molineux, FR Fernandez, WH Mehaffey, RW Turner
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (47), 10863-10873, 2005
Kv1 K+ channels control Purkinje cell output to facilitate postsynaptic rebound discharge in deep cerebellar neurons
BE McKay, ML Molineux, WH Mehaffey, RW Turner
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (6), 1481-1492, 2005
SK channels provide a novel mechanism for the control of frequency tuning in electrosensory neurons
LD Ellis, WH Mehaffey, E Harvey-Girard, RW Turner, L Maler, RJ Dunn
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (35), 9491-9502, 2007
Climbing fiber discharge regulates cerebellar functions by controlling the intrinsic characteristics of Purkinje cell output
BE McKay, JDT Engbers, WH Mehaffey, GRJ Gordon, ML Molineux, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (4), 2590-2604, 2007
Distinct roles for IT and IH in controlling the frequency and timing of rebound spike responses
JDT Engbers, D Anderson, R Tadayonnejad, WH Mehaffey, ML Molineux, ...
The Journal of physiology 589 (22), 5391-5413, 2011
Intrinsic frequency tuning in ELL pyramidal cells varies across electrosensory maps
WH Mehaffey, L Maler, RW Turner
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (5), 2641-2655, 2008
Rebound discharge in deep cerebellar nuclear neurons in vitro
R Tadayonnejad, D Anderson, ML Molineux, WH Mehaffey, K Jayasuriya, ...
The Cerebellum 9, 352-374, 2010
Ionic factors governing rebound burst phenotype in rat deep cerebellar neurons
ML Molineux, WH Mehaffey, R Tadayonnejad, D Anderson, AF Tennent, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (5), 2684-2701, 2008
The Cav3–Kv4 complex acts as a calcium sensor to maintain inhibitory charge transfer during extracellular calcium fluctuations
D Anderson, JDT Engbers, NC Heath, TM Bartoletti, WH Mehaffey, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (18), 7811-7824, 2013
Regulation of the KV4.2 complex by CaV3.1 calcium channels
D Anderson, R Rehak, S Hameed, WH Mehaffey, GW Zamponi, ...
Channels 4 (3), 163-167, 2010
Dendritic Na+ Current Inactivation Can Increase Cell Excitability By Delaying a Somatic Depolarizing Afterpotential
FR Fernandez, WH Mehaffey, RW Turner
Journal of neurophysiology 94 (6), 3836-3848, 2005
Naturalistic stimulation drives opposing heterosynaptic plasticity at two inputs to songbird cortex
WH Mehaffey, AJ Doupe
Nature neuroscience 18 (9), 1272-1280, 2015
Ionic and neuromodulatory regulation of burst discharge controls frequency tuning
WH Mehaffey, LD Ellis, R Krahe, RJ Dunn, MJ Chacron
Journal of Physiology-Paris 102 (4-6), 195-208, 2008
Reliability of triggering postinhibitory rebound bursts in deep cerebellar neurons
R Tadayonnejad, WH Mehaffey, D Anderson, RW Turner
Channels 3 (3), 149-155, 2009
High-threshold K+ current increases gain by offsetting a frequency-dependent increase in low-threshold K+ current
FR Fernandez, WH Mehaffey, ML Molineux, RW Turner
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (2), 363-371, 2005
Distribution and function of potassium channels in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of weakly electric apteronotid fish
WH Mehaffey, FR Fernandez, AJ Rashid, RJ Dunn, RW Turner
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192, 637-648, 2006
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