Torstein Pedersen
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The enhancement of cod stocks
T Svåsand, TS Kristiansen, T Pedersen, AGV Salvanes, R Engelsen, ...
Fish and fisheries 1 (2), 173-205, 2000
Growth rates of large, sexually mature cod Gadus morhua, in relation to condition and temperature during an annual cycle
T Pedersen, M Jobling
Aquaculture 81 (2), 161-168, 1989
Morphological changes during metamorphosis in cod (Gadus morhua L.), with particular reference to the development of the stomach and pyloric caeca
T Pedersen, IB Falk‐Petersen
Journal of Fish Biology 41 (3), 449-461, 1992
Variation of peak spawning of arcto-Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua L.) during the time period 1929-1982 based on indices estimated from fishery statistics. In: The propagation of …
T Pedersen
Flødevigen Rapportser, 1984
The influence of dietary lipid classes on the fatty acid composition of small cod Gadus morhua L. juveniles reared in an enclosure in northern Norway
RE Olsen, RJ Henderson, T Pedersen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 148 (1), 59-76, 1991
Recruitment variability and growth of Northeast Arctic cod: influence of physical environment, demography, and predator-prey energetics.
EM Nilssen, T Pedersen, CCE Hopkins, K Thyholt, JG Pope
ICES Marine Science Symposium. 198. 449Á470, 1994
Trophic studies in a high-latitude fjord ecosystem — a comparison of stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) and trophic-level estimates from a mass-balance …
M Nilsen, T Pedersen, EM Nilssen, S Fredriksen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (12), 2791-2806, 2008
An Ecopath model for the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea.
A Dommasnes, V Christensen, B Ellertsen, C Kvamme, W Melle, ...
Fish. Cent. Res. Rep. 9 (4), 213-240, 2001
Effects of predation from juvenile herring (Clupea harengus) on mortality rates of capelin (Mallotus villosus) larvae
EH Hallfredsson, T Pedersen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (10), 1693-1706, 2009
Predation on early life stages is decisive for year-class strength in the Barents Sea capelin ( Mallotus villosus ) stock
H Gjøsæter, EH Hallfredsson, N Mikkelsen, B Bogstad, T Pedersen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (2), 182-195, 2016
Can multitrophic interactions and ocean warming influence large-scale kelp recovery?
H Christie, H Gundersen, E Rinde, K Filbee-Dexter, KM Norderhaug, ...
Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Trophic model of a lightly exploited cod-dominated ecosystem
T Pedersen, M Nilsen, EM Nilssen, E Berg, M Reigstad
Ecological Modelling 214, 95-111, 2008
Feeding, growth, lipid composition, and survival of larval cod (Gadus morhua L.) in relation to environmental conditions in an enclosure at 70 degree N in northern Norway.
T Pedersen, JE Eliassen, HC Eilertsen, KS Tande, RE Olsen
Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Re—nions, Conseil International, pour l …, 1989
Diet of 0-group stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus), herring (Clupea harengus) and cod (Gadus morhua) during spring and summer in the Barents Sea
T Pedersen, M Fossheim
Marine Biology 153, 1037-1046, 2008
Vertebrae numbers as an indicator for the recruitment mechanism of coastal cod of northern Norway
S Løken, T Pedersen, E Berg
ICES marine science symposia. Copenhagen[ICES MAR. SCI. SYMP.]. 1994., 1994
Macrobenthic biomass, productivity (P/B) and production in a high-latitude ecosystem, North Norway
M Nilsen, T Pedersen, EM Nilssen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 321, 67-77, 2006
Variability in recruitment, growth and sexual maturity of coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) in a fjord system in northern Norway
E Berg, T Pedersen
Fisheries research 52 (3), 179-189, 2001
The impact of marine fish predation on Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) in the Tana estuary, North Norway, in the presence of an alternative prey, lesser sandeel (Ammodytes …
MA Svenning, R Borgstrøm, TO Dehli, G Moen, RT Barrett, T Pedersen, ...
Fisheries Research 76 (3), 466-474, 2005
Foraging strategies of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo wintering north of the Arctic Circle
R Johansen, RT Barrett, T Pedersen
Bird Study 48 (1), 59-67, 2001
The food consumption of cod, Gadus morhua L., in a high-latitude enhancement area
P Kanapathippillai, E Berg, J Dos Santos, B Gulliksen, T Pedersen
Aquaculture Research[AQUACULT. FISH. MANAGE.]. 1994., 1994
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