Dailos Hernández-Brito
Dailos Hernández-Brito
Postdoctoral Researcher, Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC), Spain
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Crowding in the city: losing and winning competitors of an invasive bird
D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, AG Popa-Lisseanu, C Ibáñez, JL Tella
PloS one 9 (6), e100593, 2014
Rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview
LG Pârâu, D Strubbe, E Mori, M Menchetti, L Ancillotto, A Kleunen, ...
The Open Ornithology Journal 9 (1), 2016
Nest-site competition and killing by invasive parakeets cause the decline of a threatened bat population
D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, C Ibáñez, J Juste, JL Tella
Royal Society Open Science 5 (5), 172477, 2018
Parrots as overlooked seed dispersers
JL Tella, A Baños-Villalba, D Hernández-Brito, A Rojas, E Pacífico, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 13 (6), 338-339, 2015
A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats
D Hernández-Brito, G Blanco, JL Tella, M Carrete
Frontiers in Zoology 17, 1-13, 2020
Reproductive timing as a constraint on invasion success in the Ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
A Luna, D Franz, D Strubbe, A Shwartz, MP Braun, D Hernández-Brito, ...
Biological Invasions 19, 2247-2259, 2017
The role of monk parakeets as nest-site facilitators in their native and invaded areas
D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, G Blanco, P Romero-Vidal, JC Senar, ...
Biology 10 (7), 683, 2021
Urban sprawl, food subsidies and power lines: An ecological trap for large frugivorous bats in Sri Lanka?
JL Tella, D Hernández-Brito, G Blanco, F Hiraldo
Diversity 12 (3), 94, 2020
The extent, frequency and ecological functions of food wasting by parrots
E Sebastián-González, F Hiraldo, G Blanco, D Hernandez-Brito, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 15280, 2019
Epizoochory in parrots as an overlooked yet widespread plant–animal mutualism
D Hernández-Brito, P Romero-Vidal, F Hiraldo, G Blanco, JA Díaz-Luque, ...
Plants 10 (4), 760, 2021
Alien rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) attack black rats (Rattus rattus) sometimes resulting in death
D Hernández-Brito, A Luna, M Carrete, JL Tella
Hystrix 25 (2), 121-123, 2014
Annual censuses and citizen science data show rapid population increases and range expansion of invasive rose-ringed and monk parakeets in Seville, Spain
D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, JL Tella
Animals 12 (6), 677, 2022
Roadside car surveys: Methodological constraints and solutions for estimating parrot abundances across the world
JL Tella, P Romero-Vidal, FV Dénes, F Hiraldo, B Toledo, F Rossetto, ...
Diversity 13 (7), 300, 2021
Lovebirds in the air: trade patterns, establishment success and niche shifts of Agapornis parrots within their non-native range
E Mori, L Cardador, L Reino, RL White, D Hernández-Brito, M Le Louarn, ...
Biological Invasions 22 (2), 421-435, 2020
Emerging laws must not protect stray cats and their impacts
M Carrete, M Clavero, E Arrondo, A Traveset, R Bernardo-Madrid, M Vilà, ...
Wiley-VCH, 2022
‘Some like it alien’: predation on invasive ring–necked parakeets by the long–eared owl in an urban area
E Mori, L Malfatti, M Le Louarn, D Hernández-Brito, B Ten Cate, M Ricci, ...
Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Barcelona), 2020
Nesting innovations allow population growth in an invasive population of rose-ringed parakeets
D Hernández-Brito, JL Tella, G Blanco, M Carrete
Current Zoology 68 (6), 617-626, 2022
Successful hybridization between non‐congeneric parrots in a small introduced population
D Hernández‐Brito, JL Tella, M Carrete, G Blanco
Ibis 163 (3), 1093-1098, 2021
Worldwide distribution of antagonistic-mutualistic relationships between parrots and palms
M Carrete, F Hiraldo, P Romero-Vidal, G Blanco, D Hernández-Brito, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 790883, 2022
The role of monk parakeets as nest-site facilitators in their native and invaded areas. Biology 2021; 10: 683
D Hernández-Brito, M Carrete, G Bianco, P Romero-Vidal, JC Senar, ...
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Articles 1–20