Christian Stab
Christian Stab
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Parsing argumentation structures in persuasive essays
C Stab, I Gurevych
Computational Linguistics 43 (3), 619-659, 2017
Identifying Argumentative Discourse Structures in Persuasive Essays
C Stab, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2014, 46-56, 2014
Annotating Argument Components and Relations in Persuasive Essays
C Stab, I Gurevych
COLING 2014, 1501-1510, 2014
Classification and clustering of arguments with contextualized word embeddings
N Reimers, B Schiller, T Beck, J Daxenberger, C Stab, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.09821, 2019
Cross-topic argument mining from heterogeneous sources using attention-based neural networks
C Stab, T Miller, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.05758, 2018
A richly annotated corpus for different tasks in automated fact-checking
A Hanselowski, C Stab, C Schulz, Z Li, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01214, 2019
Argumentext: Searching for arguments in heterogeneous sources
C Stab, J Daxenberger, C Stahlhut, T Miller, B Schiller, C Tauchmann, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 conference of the North American chapter of the …, 2018
What is the essence of a claim? cross-domain claim identification
J Daxenberger, S Eger, I Habernal, C Stab, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.07203, 2017
Recognizing Insufficiently Supported Arguments in Argumentative Essays
C Stab, G Iryna
EACL 2017, 980-990, 2017
Fine-grained argument unit recognition and classification
D Trautmann, J Daxenberger, C Stab, H Schütze, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (05), 9048-9056, 2020
Cross-lingual argumentation mining: Machine translation (and a bit of projection) is all you need!
S Eger, J Daxenberger, C Stab, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08998, 2018
DKPro agreement: An open-source Java library for measuring inter-rater agreement
CM Meyer, M Mieskes, C Stab, I Gurevych
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th international conference on …, 2014
Argumentation Mining in Persuasive Essays and Scientific Articles from the Discourse Structure Perspective
C Stab, C Kirschner, J Eckle-Kohler, I Gurevych
Argumentation: Content, structure, and relationship with essay quality
BB Klebanov, C Stab, J Burstein, Y Song, B Gyawali, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining2016), 70-75, 2016
Sematime-timeline visualization of time-dependent relations and semantics
C Stab, K Nazemi, DW Fellner
Advances in Visual Computing: 6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las …, 2010
A reference model for adaptive visualization systems
K Nazemi, C Stab, A Kuijper
Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches: 14th …, 2011
Recognizing the absence of opposing arguments in persuasive essays
C Stab, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining2016), 113-118, 2016
Cross-lingual argumentative relation identification: from English to Portuguese
G Rocha, C Stab, HL Cardoso, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Argument Mining, 2018 Conference on …, 2018
Argumentative writing support by means of natural language processing
CME Stab
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2018
Semantic visualization cockpit: adaptable composition of semantics-visualization techniques for knowledge-exploration
K Nazemi, D Burkhardt, M Breyer, C Stab, DW Fellner
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Articles 1–20