Carlos Leonardo Di Prinzio
Carlos Leonardo Di Prinzio
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Temperature dependence of “pure” ice grain boundary mobility
OB Nasello, CL Di Prinzio, PG Guzmán
Acta Materialia 53 (18), 4863-4869, 2005
Study of grain boundary motion in ice bicrystals
CL Di Prinzio, OB Nasello
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (39), 7687-7690, 1997
More about Zener drag studies with Monte Carlo simulations
CL Di Prinzio, E Druetta, OB Nasello
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (2), 025007, 2013
The evolution of crystal fabric in ice sheets and its link to climate history
JH Kennedy, EC Pettit, CL Di Prinzio
Journal of Glaciology 59 (214), 357-373, 2013
Measurement of self-diffusion on ice surface
OB Nasello, SN de Juarez, CL Di Prinzio
Scripta materialia 56 (12), 1071-1073, 2007
Grain boundary properties of ice doped with small concentrations of potassium chloride (KCl)
OB Nasello, CL Di Prinzio, PG Guzmán
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (24), 246218, 2007
Exact coincidence site lattice in ice Ih
BJ Gonzalez Kriegel, CL Di Prinzio, OB Nasello
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (32), 6243-6246, 1997
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of< 1010>/ψ Tilt grain boundaries in ice
CL Di Prinzio, RG Pereyra
IOP Publishing, 2016
Experimental Determination of< 1010>/Ψ Tilt Grain Boundary Energies in Ice
E Druetta, OB Nasello, CL Di Prinzio
Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2013
Anomalous effects of hydrostatic pressure on ice surface self-diffusion
OB Nasello, CL Di Prinzio
Surface Science 605 (11-12), 1103-1105, 2011
Effect of Temperature and Potassium Chloride Impurity on the Relative⟨ 101̅0⟩ Tilt Grain Boundary and Surface Free Energies in Ice
CL Di Prinzio, E Druetta, OB Nasello
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (47), 13365-13370, 2014
Physics and Chemistry of ice
O Nasello, CL Di Prinzio, L Levi
Sapporo. pag 206, 1992
Development of a model for ice core dating based on grain elongation
CL Di Prinzio, OB Nasello
Polar science 5 (3), 319-326, 2011
Anisotropic migration of two-dimensional grain boundaries
CL Di Prinzio, BJG Kriegel, OB Nasello
Acta metallurgica et materialia 43 (6), 2269-2273, 1995
Three-dimensional grain growth with mobile particles using Monte Carlo method
PI Achával, CLD Prinzio
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 23, e12109, 2018
Estudio de la evolución del groove en muestras de hielo bicristalino bajo condiciones de evaporación, con AFM a través de réplicas plásticas
CL Di Prinzio, E Druetta, OB Nasello
ANALES AFA 23 (1), 2012
Application of novel fabric and texture analysis techniques to GISP2.
L Wilen, C Di Prinzio, S Hurley
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2002, C62A-0910, 2002
Surface effect on the grain boundary migration in bicrystals
CL Di Prinzio, OB Nasello
Scripta materialia 39 (11), 1617-1622, 1998
Grain boundary energy in< 112-0>/φ pure ice bicrystals samples
CL Di Prinzio, D Stoler, GA Varela, E Druetta
Chemical Physics 545, 111094, 2021
Kinetic evolution of a 3D spherical crystal with mobile particles using Monte Carlo
PI Achával, CAR Luca, CL Di Prinzio
Anales AFA 30 (25-30), 2019
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Articles 1–20