Fabien Halkett
Fabien Halkett
INRA, Nancy-Université; UMR 1136 Interactions Arbres-Microorganismes (IAM)
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Tackling the population genetics of clonal and partially clonal organisms
F Halkett, JC Simon, F Balloux
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (4), 194-201, 2005
Aggressiveness and its role in the adaptation of plant pathogens
B Pariaud, V Ravigné, F Halkett, H Goyeau, J Carlier, C Lannou
Plant Pathology 58 (3), 409-424, 2009
Predicting invasion success of forest pathogenic fungi from species traits
A Philibert, ML Desprez‐Loustau, B Fabre, P Frey, F Halkett, C Husson, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (6), 1381-1390, 2011
Clonality and host selection in the wheat pathogenic fungus Puccinia triticina
H Goyeau, F Halkett, MF Zapater, J Carlier, C Lannou
Fungal Genetics and Biology 44 (6), 474-483, 2007
Fine‐scale spatial genetic structure of the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) investigated with neutral microsatellites and functional mating type genes
C Murat, A Rubini, C Riccioni, H De la Varga, E Akroume, B Belfiori, ...
New Phytologist 199 (1), 176-187, 2013
Genetic structure of the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina: evidence for isolation by distance in Europe and recent founder effects overseas
B Barrès, F Halkett, C Dutech, A Andrieux, J Pinon, P Frey
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8 (5), 577-587, 2008
Admixed sexual and facultatively asexual aphid lineages at mating sites
F Halkett, M Plantegenest, N PRUNIER‐LETERME, L Mieuzet, F Delmotte, ...
Molecular Ecology 14 (1), 325-336, 2005
Genetic structure of the invasive pest Bemisia tabaci: evidence of limited but persistent genetic differentiation in glasshouse populations
A Dalmon, F Halkett, M Granier, H Delatte, M Peterschmitt
Heredity 100 (3), 316-325, 2008
Predominance of sexual reproduction in Romanian populations of the aphid Sitobion avenae inferred from phenotypic and genetic structure
D Papura, JC Simon, F Halkett, F Delmotte, JF Le Gallic, CA Dedryver
Heredity 90 (5), 397-404, 2003
The genetic structure of the plant pathogenic fungus Melampsora larici‐populina on its wild host is extensively impacted by host domestication
C Xhaard, B Fabre, A Andrieux, P Gladieux, B Barres, P Frey, F Halkett
Molecular Ecology 20 (13), 2739-2755, 2011
Dynamics of production of sexual forms in aphids: theoretical and experimental evidence for adaptive “coin-flipping” plasticity
F Halkett, R Harrington, M Hullé, P Kindlmann, F Menu, C Rispe, ...
The American Naturalist 163 (6), E112-E125, 2004
Strong genetic differentiation between North American and European populations of Phytophthora alni subsp. uniformis
J Aguayo, GC Adams, F Halkett, M Catal, C Husson, ZÁ Nagy, ...
Phytopathology 103 (2), 190-199, 2013
Climate and agricultural context shape reproductive mode variation in an aphid crop pest
A Gilabert, JC Simon, L Mieuzet, F Halkett, S Stoeckel, M Plantegenest, ...
Molecular ecology 18 (14), 3050-3061, 2009
Disentangling the genetic origins of a plant pathogen during disease spread using an original molecular epidemiology approach
C Xhaard, B Barres, A Andrieux, L Bousset, F Halkett, P Frey
Molecular Ecology 21 (10), 2383-2398, 2012
Patterns of genomic variation in the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina identify pathogenesis-related factors
A Persoons, E Morin, C Delaruelle, T Payen, F Halkett, P Frey, S De Mita, ...
Frontiers in plant science 5, 450, 2014
Genetic discontinuities and disequilibria in recently established populations of the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis
F Halkett, D Coste, GG Rivas Platero, MF Zapater, C Abadie, J Carlier
Molecular Ecology 19 (18), 3909-3923, 2010
The escalatory Red Queen: Population extinction and replacement following arms race dynamics in poplar rust
A Persoons, KJ Hayden, B Fabre, P Frey, S De Mita, A Tellier, F Halkett
Molecular Ecology 26 (7), 1902-1918, 2017
Temporal differentiation and spatial coexistence of sexual and facultative asexual lineages of an aphid species at mating sites
F Halkett, P Kindlmann, M Plantegenest, P Sunnucks, JC Simon
Journal of evolutionary biology 19 (3), 809-815, 2006
Inferences on pathogenic fungus population structures from microsatellite data: new insights from spatial genetics approaches
A Rieux, F Halkett, L De Lapeyre de Bellaire, MF Zapater, F Rousset, ...
Molecular Ecology 20 (8), 1661-1674, 2011
Gene flow between sexual and facultatively asexual lineages of an aphid species and the maintenance of reproductive mode variation
F Halkett, M Plantegenest, J Bonhomme, JC Simon
Molecular ecology 17 (12), 2998-3007, 2008
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Articles 1–20