Arijeet Pal
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Cited by
Observation of a large-gap topological-insulator class with a single Dirac cone on the surface
Y Xia, D Qian, D Hsieh, L Wray, A Pal, H Lin, A Bansil, D Grauer, YS Hor, ...
Nature Physics 5 (6), 398-402, 2009
Many-body localization phase transition
A Pal, DA Huse
Physical Review B 82 (17), 174411, 2010
Observation of unconventional quantum spin textures in topological insulators
D Hsieh, Y Xia, L Wray, D Qian, A Pal, JH Dil, J Osterwalder, F Meier, ...
Science 323 (5916), 919-922, 2009
Localization protected quantum order
DA Huse, R Nandkishore, V Oganesyan, A Pal, SL Sondhi
Phys. Rev. B 88, 014206 (2013), 2013
Many-body mobility edge in a mean-field quantum spin glass
CR Laumann, A Pal, A Scardicchio
Physical review letters 113 (20), 200405, 2014
Energy transport in disordered classical spin chains
V Oganesyan, A Pal, DA Huse
Physical Review B 80 (11), 115104, 2009
Measurement-induced entanglement transitions in many-body localized systems
O Lunt, A Pal
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043072, 2020
Exact three-colored quantum scars from geometric frustration
K Lee, R Melendrez, A Pal, HJ Changlani
Physical Review B 101 (24), 241111, 2020
Signatures of the many-body localized regime in two dimensions
TB Wahl, A Pal, SH Simon
Nature Physics 15 (2), 164-169, 2019
Many-body localization beyond eigenstates in all dimensions
A Chandran, A Pal, CR Laumann, A Scardicchio
Physical Review B 94 (14), 144203, 2016
Quenching of dynamic nuclear polarization by spin–orbit coupling in GaAs quantum dots
JM Nichol, SP Harvey, MD Shulman, A Pal, V Umansky, EI Rashba, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 1-6, 2015
Efficient representation of fully many-body localized systems using tensor networks
TB Wahl, A Pal, SH Simon
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021018, 2017
Measurement-induced criticality and entanglement clusters: A study of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Clifford circuits
O Lunt, M Szyniszewski, A Pal
Physical Review B 104 (15), 155111, 2021
Many-body mobility edge due to symmetry-constrained dynamics and strong interactions
I Mondragon-Shem, A Pal, TL Hughes, CR Laumann
Physical Review B 92 (6), 064203, 2015
The many-body localized phase of the quantum random energy model
CL Baldwin, CR Laumann, A Pal, A Scardicchio
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024202, 2016
Clustering of Nonergodic Eigenstates in Quantum Spin Glasses
CL Baldwin, CR Laumann, A Pal, A Scardicchio
Physical Review Letters 118 (12), 127201, 2017
Anomalous hydrodynamics in a class of scarred frustration-free Hamiltonians
J Richter, A Pal
Physical Review Research 4 (1), L012003, 2022
Signatures of discrete time crystalline order in dissipative spin ensembles
J O’Sullivan, O Lunt, CW Zollitsch, MLW Thewalt, JJL Morton, A Pal
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 085001, 2020
Simulating Hydrodynamics on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Devices with Random Circuits
J Richter, A Pal
Physical Review Letters 126 (23), 230501, 2021
Frustration-induced emergent Hilbert space fragmentation
K Lee, A Pal, HJ Changlani
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235133, 2021
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Articles 1–20