Mingran Xu
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Cited by
Nonreciprocal surface acoustic wave propagation via magneto-rotation coupling
M Xu, K Yamamoto, J Puebla, K Baumgaertl, B Rana, K Miura, ...
Science advances 6 (32), eabb1724, 2020
Inverse Edelstein effect induced by magnon-phonon coupling
M Xu, J Puebla, F Auvray, B Rana, K Kondou, Y Otani
Physical Review B 97 (18), 180301, 2018
Acoustic ferromagnetic resonance and spin pumping induced by surface acoustic waves
J Puebla, M Xu, B Rana, K Yamamoto, S Maekawa, Y Otani
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (26), 264002, 2020
Direct optical observation of spin accumulation at nonmagnetic metal/oxide interface
J Puebla, F Auvray, M Xu, B Rana, A Albouy, H Tsai, K Kondou, G Tatara, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (9), 2017
Photoinduced Rashba spin-to-charge conversion via an interfacial unoccupied state
J Puebla, F Auvray, N Yamaguchi, M Xu, SZ Bisri, Y Iwasa, F Ishii, Y Otani
Physical Review Letters 122 (25), 256401, 2019
Non-reciprocal pumping of surface acoustic waves by spin wave resonance
K Yamamoto, W Yu, T Yu, J Puebla, M Xu, S Maekawa, G Bauer
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 (11), 113702, 2020
Interaction between surface acoustic waves and spin waves in a ferromagnetic thin film
K Yamamoto, M Xu, J Puebla, Y Otani, S Maekawa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 545, 168672, 2022
Enhancement of acoustic spin pumping by acoustic distributed Bragg reflector cavity
Y Hwang, J Puebla, M Xu, A Lagarrigue, K Kondou, Y Otani
Applied Physics Letters 116 (25), 2020
Spin accumulation at nonmagnetic interface induced by direct Rashba–Edelstein effect
F Auvray, J Puebla, M Xu, B Rana, D Hashizume, Y Otani
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 15664-15670, 2018
Realization and control of bulk and surface modes in 3D nanomagnonic networks by additive manufacturing of ferromagnets
H Guo, AJM Deenen, M Xu, M Hamdi, D Grundler
Advanced Materials 35 (39), 2303292, 2023
Generation of out-of-plane polarized spin current in (permalloy, Cu)/EuS interfaces
P Gupta, N Chowdhury, M Xu, PK Muduli, A Kumar, K Kondou, Y Otani, ...
Physical Review B 109 (6), L060405, 2024
Emergent coherent modes in nonlinear magnonic waveguides detected at ultrahigh frequency resolution
K An, M Xu, A Mucchietto, C Kim, KW Moon, C Hwang, D Grundler
Nature Communications 15 (1), 7302, 2024
Study on the Spin Conversion Induced by Surface Acoustic Waves 表面弾性波により誘起されたスピン変換現象 に関する研究
M Xu
The University of Tokyo, 2018
Non-equilibrium spin polarisation via interfacial exchange-field spin filtering
P Muduli, N Leo, M Xu, Z Zhu, J Puebla, C Ortiz, H Isshiki, YC Otani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13855, 2023
Room temperature realization of artificial chiral magnets with reprogrammable magnon nonreciprocity at zero field
M Xu, AJM Deenen, H Guo, D Grundler
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.19153, 2024
Emergent nonlinear modes in coherent magnon circuits detected at ultrahigh frequency resolution
D Grundler, K An, M Xu, A Mucchietto, C Kim, KW Moon, C Hwang
Acoustic waves rectification in anisotropic magnet
M Xu, K Yamamoto, P Jorge, K Baumgaertl, B Rana, K Miura, ...
日本物理学会講演概要集 75.1, 910-910, 2020
Inverse Edelstein Effect induced by magnon phonon coupling
M Xu, J Puebla, F Auvray, B Rana, H Tsai, K Kondou, Y Otani
日本物理学会講演概要集 74.1, 1227-1227, 2019
Acoustic Spin Pumping at Rashba Interfaces
M Xu, F Auvray, J Puebla, B Rana, H Tsai, K Kondou, Y Otani
日本物理学会講演概要集 73.1, 1149-1149, 2018
Optical properties of non-magnetic metal/bithmuth oxide interface in the TeraHertz regime
F Auvray, J Puebla, M Xu, S Danilov, S Ganichev, Y Otani
日本物理学会講演概要集 73.1, 1082-1082, 2018
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Articles 1–20