Harold B. Meerwaldt
Harold B. Meerwaldt
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
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Cited by
Strong coupling between single-electron tunneling and nanomechanical motion
GA Steele, AK Hüttel, B Witkamp, M Poot, HB Meerwaldt, ...
Science 325 (5944), 1103-1107, 2009
Large spin-orbit coupling in carbon nanotubes
GA Steele, F Pei, EA Laird, JM Jol, HB Meerwaldt, LP Kouwenhoven
Nature communications 4 (1), 1573, 2013
Strong and tunable mode coupling in carbon nanotube resonators
A Castellanos-Gomez, HB Meerwaldt, WJ Venstra, HSJ van der Zant, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (4), 041402, 2012
Probing the charge of a quantum dot with a nanomechanical resonator
HB Meerwaldt, G Labadze, BH Schneider, A Taspinar, YM Blanter, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (11), 115454, 2012
Observation of decoherence in a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator
BH Schneider, V Singh, WJ Venstra, HB Meerwaldt, GA Steele
Nature communications 5 (1), 5819, 2014
Single electron tunnelling through high‐Q single‐wall carbon nanotube NEMS resonators
AK Hüttel, HB Meerwaldt, GA Steele, M Poot, B Witkamp, ...
physica status solidi (b) 247 (11‐12), 2974-2979, 2010
Submicrosecond-timescale readout of carbon nanotube mechanical motion
HB Meerwaldt, SR Johnston, HSJ Van der Zant, GA Steele
Applied Physics Letters 103 (5), 2013
Carbon nanotubes: Nonlinear high-Q resonators with strong coupling to single-electron tunneling
HB Meerwaldt, GA Steele, HSJ van der Zant
"Fluctuating Nonlinear Oscillators", arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.4921, 2012
Carbon nanotubes as electromechanical resonators: Single-electron tunneling, nonlinearity, and high-bandwidth readout
HB Meerwaldt
Delft University of Technology; dissertation @ …, 2012
Carbon nanotubes as electromechanical resonators
HB Meerwaldt
Strong and tunable mode coupling in carbon nanotube resonators
AC Gomez, HB Meerwaldt, WJ Venstra, HSJ van der Zant, GA Steele
Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 86 (041402), 1-5, 2012
Automated Calibrations in 6-Qubit Quantum Dot Spin Devices in Silicon
D Crielaard, P Eendebak, R Wasserman, Ö Gül, T Makinwa, Y Vos, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Progress in development of the silicon spin qubit based back-end for QuTech's Quantum Inspire platform
T Makinwa, N Samkharadze, H Meerwaldt, P Eendebak, Y Vos, Ö Gül, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, Y74. 009, 2023
Fast readout of carbon nanotube mechanical resonators
H Meerwaldt, V Singh, B Schneider, R Schouten, H van der Zant, G Steele
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, Z7. 013, 2013
Impact of industry strategies and consumer attitude on growth of the hydrogen vehicle fleet and corresponding refuelling infrastructure
P Lebutsch, M Weeda, AN Ajah, H Meerwaldt
Mixing and Transporting H2 through the natural Gas Network
M Weeda, AN Ajah, H Meerwaldt
ECN, 2010
Impact of industry strategies and consumer attitude on growth of the hydrogen vehicle fleet and corresponding refuelling infrastructure
M Weeda, AN Ajah, P Lebutsch, H Meerwaldt
18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010, Essen, Germany, 17-20 mei 2010 …, 2010
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Articles 1–17