Mohamed Shalan
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Cited by
Toward an open-source digital flow: First learnings from the openroad project
T Ajayi, VA Chhabria, M Fogaça, S Hashemi, A Hosny, AB Kahng, M Kim, ...
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019, 1-4, 2019
A Configurable Hardware Scheduler for Real-Time Systems.
P Kuacharoen, M Shalan, VJ Mooney
Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, 95-101, 2003
DRiLLS: Deep reinforcement learning for logic synthesis
A Hosny, S Hashemi, M Shalan, S Reda
2020 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 581-586, 2020
Embedded hypervisor xvisor: A comparative analysis
A Patel, M Daftedar, M Shalan, MW El-Kharashi
2015 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2015
Hardware support for real-time embedded multiprocessor system-on-a-chip memory management
M Shalan, VJ Mooney III
Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on Hardware/software …, 2002
A dynamic memory management unit for embedded real-time system-on-a-chip
M Shalan, VJ Mooney
Proceedings of the 2000 international conference on Compilers, architecture …, 2000
Building OpenLANE: A 130nm openroad-based tapeout-proven flow
M Shalan, T Edwards
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1-6, 2020
Openlane: The open-source digital asic implementation flow
A Ghazy, M Shalan
Proc. Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technol.(WOSET), 2020
Real silicon using open-source EDA
RT Edwards, M Shalan, M Kassem
IEEE Design & Test 38 (2), 38-44, 2021
Energy-efficient task allocation techniques for asymmetric multiprocessor embedded systems
A Elewi, M Shalan, M Awadalla, EM Saad
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 13 (2s), 1-27, 2014
A reconfigurable, pipelined, conflict directed jumping search SAT solver
M Safar, MW El-Kharashi, M Shalan, A Salem
2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe, 1-6, 2011
DX-Gt: Memory management and crossbar switch generator for multiprocessor system-on-a-chip
M Shalan, E Shin, V Mooney
Proc. SASIMI, 357-364, 2003
Fault: Open-source EDA’s missing DFT toolchain
M Abdelatty, M Gaber, M Shalan
IEEE Design & Test 38 (2), 45-52, 2021
Dynamic memory management for embedded real-time multiprocessor system on a chip
MA Shalan
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003
Energy-aware task partitioning on heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms
E Saad, M Awadalla, M Shalan, A Elewi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.0396, 2012
Online power management using DVFS for RTOS
M Shalan, D El-Sissy
2009 4th International Design and Test Workshop (IDT), 1-6, 2009
A shift register based clause evaluator for reconfigurable sat solver
M Safar, M Shalan, MW El-Kharashi, A Salem
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2007
Minimal time dynamic task allocation for a swarm of robots
MA Alshawi, MB Shalan
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 6 (6 …, 2017
Hardware EDF scheduler implementation on controller area network controller
H Shokry, M Shedeed, S Hammad, M Shalan, A Wahdan
2009 4th International Design and Test Workshop (IDT), 1-6, 2009
Digital ASIC Implementation of RISC-V: OpenLane and Commercial Approaches in Comparison
S Hesham, M Shalan, MW El-Kharashi, M Dessouky
2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS …, 2021
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Articles 1–20