Samuel Haddad
Samuel Haddad
Baylor University, Agilent Technologies
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Bioaccumulation and trophic dilution of human pharmaceuticals across trophic positions of an effluent-dependent wadeable stream
B Du, SP Haddad, A Luek, WC Scott, GN Saari, LA Kristofco, KA Connors, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
An exploratory investigation of various modes of action and potential adverse outcomes of fluoxetine in marine mussels
S Franzellitti, S Buratti, M Capolupo, B Du, SP Haddad, CK Chambliss, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 151, 14-26, 2014
Pharmaceutical bioaccumulation by periphyton and snails in an effluent-dependent stream during an extreme drought
B Du, SP Haddad, WC Scott, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks
Chemosphere 119, 927-934, 2015
Pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and their metabolites in fish from Argentina: Implications for protected areas influenced by urbanization
PM Ondarza, SP Haddad, E Avigliano, KSB Miglioranza, BW Brooks
Science of the total Environment 649, 1029-1037, 2019
Pharmaceuticals in water, fish and osprey nestlings in Delaware River and Bay
TG Bean, BA Rattner, RS Lazarus, DD Day, SR Burket, BW Brooks, ...
Environmental Pollution 232, 533-545, 2018
Chronic fluoxetine exposure alters movement and burrowing in adult freshwater mussels
PD Hazelton, B Du, SP Haddad, AK Fritts, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks, ...
Aquatic toxicology 151, 27-35, 2014
Bioaccumulation of human pharmaceuticals in fish across habitats of a tidally influenced urban bayou
B Du, SP Haddad, A Luek, WC Scott, GN Saari, SR Burket, CS Breed, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 35 (4), 966-974, 2016
Determination of microcystins, nodularin, anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsin, and saxitoxin in water and fish tissue using isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass …
SP Haddad, JM Bobbitt, RB Taylor, LM Lovin, JL Conkle, CK Chambliss, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1599, 66-74, 2019
Age matters: Developmental stage of Danio rerio larvae influences photomotor response thresholds to diazinion or diphenhydramine
LA Kristofco, LC Cruz, SP Haddad, ML Behra, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks
Aquatic toxicology 170, 344-354, 2016
Comparative behavioral toxicology with two common larval fish models: Exploring relationships among modes of action and locomotor responses
WB Steele, LA Kristofco, J Corrales, GN Saari, SP Haddad, EP Gallagher, ...
Science of the Total Environment 640, 1587-1600, 2018
Predicted and observed therapeutic dose exceedances of ionizable pharmaceuticals in fish plasma from urban coastal systems
WC Scott, B Du, SP Haddad, CS Breed, GN Saari, M Kelly, L Broach, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (4), 983-995, 2016
A multibiomarker approach to explore interactive effects of propranolol and fluoxetine in marine mussels
S Franzellitti, S Buratti, B Du, SP Haddad, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks, ...
Environmental pollution 205, 60-69, 2015
Differential uptake of and sensitivity to diphenhydramine in embryonic and larval zebrafish
LA Kristofco, SP Haddad, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 37 (4), 1175-1181, 2018
Spatio-temporal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of ionizable pharmaceuticals in a semi-arid urban river influenced by snowmelt
SP Haddad, A Luek, WC Scott, GN Saari, SR Burket, LA Kristofco, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 359, 231-240, 2018
Influence of salinity and pH on bioconcentration of ionizable pharmaceuticals by the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis
WC Scott, SP Haddad, GN Saari, CK Chambliss, JL Conkle, CW Matson, ...
Chemosphere 229, 434-442, 2019
Spatial and temporal influence of onsite wastewater treatment systems, centralized effluent discharge, and tides on aquatic hazards of nutrients, indicator bacteria, and …
WC Scott, CS Breed, SP Haddad, SR Burket, GN Saari, PJ Pearce, ...
Science of the Total Environment 650, 354-364, 2019
Ontogenetic dietary shifts and bioaccumulation of diphenhydramine in Mugil cephalus from an urban estuary
SP Haddad, B Du, WC Scott, GN Saari, C Breed, M Kelly, L Broach, ...
Marine environmental research 127, 155-162, 2017
Influence of diltiazem on fathead minnows across dissolved oxygen gradients
GN Saari, J Corrales, SP Haddad, CK Chambliss, BW Brooks
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 37 (11), 2835-2850, 2018
Low dissolved oxygen increases uptake of a model calcium channel blocker and alters its effects on adult Pimephales promelas
GN Saari, SP Haddad, RM Mole, BN Hill, WB Steele, LM Lovin, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2020
Spatial and seasonal occurrence of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in fish influenced by snowmelt and municipal effluent discharge
Y Sapozhnikova, A Salamova, SP Haddad, SR Burket, M Luers, ...
Science of the Total Environment 737, 140222, 2020
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Articles 1–20