Liliane LEGER
Liliane LEGER
Université Paris Saclay
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Silanation of silica surfaces. A new method of constructing pure or mixed monolayers
P Silberzan, L Leger, D Ausserre, JJ Benattar
Langmuir 7 (8), 1647-1651, 1991
Direct experimental evidence of slip in hexadecane: solid interfaces
R Pit, H Hervet, L Leger
Physical review letters 85 (5), 980, 2000
Liquid spreading
L Leger, JF Joanny
Reports on Progress in Physics 55 (4), 431, 1992
Slip transition of a polymer melt under shear stress
KB Migler, H Hervet, L Leger
Physical review letters 70 (3), 287, 1993
Characterization of the brush regime for grafted polymer layers at the solid-liquid interface
P Auroy, L Auvray, L Leger
Physical review letters 66 (6), 719, 1991
Surface-anchored polymer chains: Their role in adhesion and friction
L Léger, E Raphaël, H Hervet
Polymers in confined environments, 185-225, 1999
Reptation in entangled polymer solutions by forced Rayleigh light scattering
L Leger, H Hervet, F Rondelez
Macromolecules 14 (6), 1732-1738, 1981
Fringe pattern photobleaching, a new method for the measurement of transport coefficients of biological macromolecules.
J Davoust, PF Devaux, L Leger
The EMBO journal 1 (10), 1233-1238, 1982
Dynamics of entangled polymer chains
PG De Gennes, L Leger
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 33 (1), 49-61, 1982
Friction and slip of a simple liquid at a solid surface
R Pit, H Hervet, L Léger
Tribology letters 7, 147-152, 1999
Adhesion at the solid-elastomer interface: influence of the interfacial chains
M Deruelle, L Leger, M Tirrell
Macromolecules 28 (22), 7419-7428, 1995
Existence and role of the precursor film in the spreading of polymer liquids
D Ausserré, AM Picard, L Léger
Physical review letters 57 (21), 2671, 1986
Effect of plasticizers (water and glycerol) on the diffusion of a small molecule in iota-carrageenan biopolymer films for edible coating application
T Karbowiak, H Hervet, L Léger, D Champion, F Debeaufort, A Voilley
Biomacromolecules 7 (6), 2011-2019, 2006
Self-diffusion in polymer solutions: a test for scaling and reptation
H Hervet, L Leger, F Rondelez
Physical Review Letters 42 (25), 1681, 1979
Structures of end-grafted polymer layers: a small-angle neutron scattering study
P Auroy, L Auvray, L Leger
Macromolecules 24 (9), 2523-2528, 1991
Effects of the formation of copolymer on the interfacial adhesion between semicrystalline polymers
E Boucher, JP Folkers, H Hervet, L Léger, C Creton
Macromolecules 29 (2), 774-782, 1996
Wall slip in polymer melts
L Léger, H Hervet, G Massey, E Durliat
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (37), 7719, 1997
Friction and Slip at Simple Fluid-Solid Interfaces: The Roles of the Molecular Shape<? format?> and the Solid-Liquid Interaction
T Schmatko, H Hervet, L Leger
Physical review letters 94 (24), 244501, 2005
Magnetically induced cholesteric to nematic phase transition in liquid crystals
G Durand, L Leger, F Rondelez, M Veyssie
Physical Review Letters 22 (6), 227, 1969
Precursor film profiles of spreading liquid drops
L Leger, M Erman, AM Guinet-Picard, D Ausserre, C Strazielle
Physical review letters 60 (23), 2390, 1988
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Articles 1–20