Mark Daly
Cited by
Cited by
Optical trapping and manipulation of micrometer and submicrometer particles
M Daly, M Sergides, S Nic Chormaic
Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (3), 309-329, 2015
Nanostructured optical nanofibres for atom trapping
M Daly, VG Truong, CF Phelan, K Deasy, SN Chormaic
New Journal of Physics 16 (5), 053052, 2014
Sub-Doppler temperature measurements of laser-cooled atoms using optical nanofibres
L Russell, K Deasy, MJ Daly, MJ Morrissey, SN Chormaic
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (1), 015201, 2011
Evanescent field trapping of nanoparticles using nanostructured ultrathin optical fibers
M Daly, VG Truong, SN Chormaic
Optics express 24 (13), 14470-14482, 2016
1- and 2-photon absorption by laser-cooled 85Rb using an optical nanofiber
L Russell, M Daly, SN Chormaic
AIP Conference Proceedings 1469 (1), 82-90, 2012
Evanescent optical trapping of nanoscale particles using slotted tapered optical fibres
M Daly, VG Truong, N Chormaic
Opt. Exp. 24, 263072, 2016
Submicron particle manipulation using slotted tapered optical fibers
M Daly, VG Truong, SN Chormaic
Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XII 9548, 202-205, 2015
Light-induced interactions using optical near-field devices
M Daly, D Mark
(No Title), 2017
Nanostructured tapered optical fibers for particle trapping
M Daly, VG Truong, SN Chormaic
Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres IV 9507, 109-114, 2015
Near-field trap for submicron particles and cold, neutral atoms using rectangular etched cavities in optical nanofibers
M Daly, VG Truong, C Phelan, SN Chormaic
Frontiers in Optics, FTh1D. 5, 2013
Trapping Particles using Near-Field Optics
SN Chormaic, M Daly, X Han, A Maimaiti, VG Truong
Optical Trapping Applications, OtTu1D. 3, 2017
Multiple particle trapping and self-organization in the evanescent fields of optical micro-and nanofibres
VG Truong, A Maimaiti, M Daly, SN Chormaic
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 740-740, 2016
Propulsion and Trapping of Chains of Microspheres by an Optical Nanofiber Integrated into an Optical Tweezers
I Gusachenko, M Frawley, A Maimati, M Daly, VG Truong, SN Chormaic
Frontiers in Optics, FTh1D. 6, 2013
1-and 2-Photon Absorption With Cold Rubidium Using An Optical Nanofiber
SN Chormaic, L Russell, M Daly
Frontiers in Optics, FThA3, 2011
Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Micron-Sized Particles using a Bright Tapered Optical Fiber
M Frawley, M Daly, JM Ward, SN Chormaic
Laser Science, LMB3, 2010
Nanofiber optical interfaces for laser-cooled atoms
SN Chormaic, K Deasy, L Russell, M Daly
CLEO/QELS: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 1-2, 2010
A hybrid quantum system for laser-cooled atoms using optical nanofibres
SN Chormaic, R Kumar, V Gokhroo, K Deasy, T Nieddu, T Ray, M Daly, ...
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Articles 1–17