Miwako Tsuda
Miwako Tsuda
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Microbial community and geochemical analyses of trans-trench sediments for understanding the roles of hadal environments
S Hiraoka, M Hirai, Y Matsui, A Makabe, H Minegishi, M Tsuda, E Rastelli, ...
The ISME journal 14 (3), 740-756, 2020
Heterogeneous composition of key metabolic gene clusters in a vent mussel symbiont population
T Ikuta, Y Takaki, Y Nagai, S Shimamura, M Tsuda, S Kawagucci, Y Aoki, ...
The ISME journal 10 (4), 990-1001, 2016
Recent host range expansion of canine distemper virus and variation in its receptor, the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule, in carnivores
K Ohishi, R Suzuki, T Maeda, M Tsuda, E Abe, T Yoshida, Y Endo, ...
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50 (3), 596-606, 2014
Library construction from subnanogram DNA for pelagic sea water and deep-sea sediments
M Hirai, S Nishi, M Tsuda, M Sunamura, Y Takaki, T Nunoura
Microbes and environments 32 (4), 336-343, 2017
Multispecies Populations of Methanotrophic Methyloprofundus and Cultivation of a Likely Dominant Species from the Iheya North Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Field
H Hirayama, Y Takaki, M Abe, H Imachi, T Ikuta, J Miyazaki, E Tasumi, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (2), e00758-21, 2022
In situ electrosynthetic bacterial growth using electricity generated by a deep-sea hydrothermal vent
M Yamamoto, Y Takaki, H Kashima, M Tsuda, A Tanizaki, R Nakamura, ...
The ISME Journal 17 (1), 12-20, 2023
Inside or out? Clonal thiotrophic symbiont populations occupy deep-sea mussel bacteriocytes with pathways connecting to the external environment
T Ikuta, Y Amari, A Tame, Y Takaki, M Tsuda, R Iizuka, T Funatsu, ...
ISME communications 1 (1), 38, 2021
An ultrasensitive nanofiber-based assay for enzymatic hydrolysis and deep-sea microbial degradation of cellulose
M Tsudome, M Tachioka, M Miyazaki, K Uchimura, M Tsuda, Y Takaki, ...
Iscience 25 (8), 2022
mTORC1 regulates phagosome digestion of symbiotic bacteria for intracellular nutritional symbiosis in a deep-sea mussel
A Tame, T Maruyama, T Ikuta, Y Chikaraishi, NO Ogawa, M Tsuchiya, ...
Science Advances 9 (34), eadg8364, 2023
Marinagarivorans cellulosilyticus sp. nov., a cellulolytic bacterium isolated from the deep-sea off Noma-misaki, Japan
M Tsudome, M Tachioka, M Miyazaki, M Tsuda, Y Takaki, S Deguchi
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (3), 005748, 2023
Surface pitting on nanofibrous matrix as an ultra-sensitive indicator for enzymatic hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose
M Tsudome, M Tachioka, M Tsuda, Y Takaki, S Deguchi
A case of Lafora disease diagnosed by liver biopsy
M Miyazaki, Y Tanaka, M Tsuda, T Shirabe
Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal …, 1987
Radioimmunoassay of human prolactin-the foundational approach (author's transl)
Y Iwasaki, M Sasagawa, M Tsuda, S Watanabe, K Takai
Horumon to rinsho. Clinical Endocrinology 29 (7), 851-862, 1981
Supplementary information for “Surface pitting on nanofibrous matrix as an ultra-sensitive indicator for enzymatic hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose”
M Tsudome, M Tachioka, K Uchimura, M Tsuda, Y Takaki, S Deguchi
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Articles 1–14