Wiljeana Glover
Wiljeana Glover
Associate Professor, Technology and Operations Management, Babson College
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Critical success factors for the sustainability of Kaizen event human resource outcomes: An empirical study
WJ Glover, JA Farris, EM Van Aken, TL Doolen
International journal of production economics 132 (2), 197-213, 2011
A framework for designing, managing, and improving Kaizen event programs
EM Van Aken, JA Farris, WJ Glover, G Letens
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 59 (7), 641-667, 2010
The relationship between continuous improvement and rapid improvement sustainability
WJ Glover, JA Farris, EM Van Aken
International Journal of Production Research 53 (13), 4068-4086, 2015
Kaizen events: Assessing the existing literature and convergence of practices
WJ Glover, JA Farris, EM Van Aken
Engineering Management Journal 26 (1), 39-61, 2014
Continuous improvement project within Kaizen: critical success factors in hospitals
F Gonzalez-Aleu, EM Van Aken, J Cross, WJ Glover
The TQM Journal 30 (4), 335-355, 2018
Characteristics of established kaizen event programs: an empirical study
WJ Glover, WH Liu, JA Farris, EM Van Aken
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 33 (9), 1166-1201, 2013
Examining innovation in hospital units: a complex adaptive systems approach
WJ Glover, N Nissinboim, E Naveh
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-12, 2020
Patient navigation to improve diabetes outpatient care at a safety-net hospital: a retrospective cohort study
M Horný, W Glover, G Gupte, A Saraswat, V Vimalananda, J Rosenzweig
BMC health services research 17, 1-13, 2017
Artificial intelligence and the augmentation of health care decision-making
TH Davenport, WJ Glover
NEJM Catalyst 4 (3), 2018
Critical success factors for sustaining Kaizen Event outcomes
WJ Glover
Virginia Tech, 2010
Improving quality of care through integration in a hospital setting: A human systems integration approach
W Glover, Q Li, E Naveh, M Gross
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 64 (3), 365-376, 2017
Understanding team mental models affecting Kaizen event success
WH Liu, S Asio, J Cross, WJ Glover, E Van Aken
Team Performance Management 21 (7/8), 361-385, 2015
A conceptual model of the psychological health system for US active duty service members: An approach to inform leadership and policy decision making
JY Wang, WJ Glover, AM Rhodes, D Nightingale
Military medicine 178 (6), 596-606, 2013
Applying lean to non-profit organizations: A food bank case study
WJ Glover, T Poopunsri, R Hurley
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 274, 2014
The AI-enhanced future of health care administrative task management
WJ Glover, Z Li, D Pachamanova
NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 3 (2), 2022
Case study on using lean principles to improve turnaround time and first case starts in an operating room
WJ Glover, EM Van Aken, K Creehan, J Skevington
Society for health systems conference and expo 2, 2009
Kaizen event follow-up mechanisms and goal sustainability: preliminary results
WJ Glover, EM Van Aken, JA Farris, TL Doolen, JM Worley
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1154, 2008
Kaizen event result Sustainability for lean enterprise transformation
W Glover, J Farris, E Van Aken, T Doolen
Journal of Enterprise Transformation 3 (3), 136-160, 2013
Identifying patterns in administrative tasks through structural topic modeling: A study of task definitions, prevalence, and shifts in a mental health practice’s operations …
D Pachamanova, W Glover, Z Li, M Docktor, N Gujral
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (12), 2707-2715, 2021
Disruptive innovation in public service sectors: Ambidexterity and the role of incumbents
D Wood, S Pfotenhauer, W Glover, D Newman
European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2, 669, 2013
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Articles 1–20