Clementine Azam
Cited by
Cited by
Disentangling the relative effect of light pollution, impervious surfaces and intensive agriculture on bat activity with a national-scale monitoring program
C Azam, I Le Viol, JF Julien, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou
Landscape ecology 31, 2471-2483, 2016
Is part‐night lighting an effective measure to limit the impacts of artificial lighting on bats?
C Azam, C Kerbiriou, A Vernet, JF Julien, Y Bas, L Plichard, J Maratrat, ...
Global Change Biology 21 (12), 4333-4341, 2015
Evidence for distance and illuminance thresholds in the effects of artificial lighting on bat activity
C Azam, I Le Viol, Y Bas, G Zissis, A Vernet, JF Julien, C Kerbiriou
Landscape and Urban Planning 175, 123-135, 2018
Is the CAP Fit for purpose
G Pe’er, S Lakner, R Müller, G Passoni, V Bontzorlos, D Clough, ...
An evidence-based fitness-check assessment, 1-20, 2017
Is the CAP Fit for purpose? An evidence-based fitness-check assessment
G Pe’er, S Lakner, R Müller, G Passoni, V Bontzorlos, D Clough, ...
Leipzig, German: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv …, 2017
Accounting for artificial light impact on bat activity for a biodiversity-friendly urban planning
J Pauwels, I Le Viol, C Azam, N Valet, JF Julien, Y Bas, C Lemarchand, ...
Landscape and Urban planning 183, 12-25, 2019
Guidelines for consideration of bats in lighting projects
CC Voigt, C Azam, J Dekker, J Ferguson, M Fritze, S Gazaryan, F Hölker, ...
Unep/Eurobats, 2018
Working with inadequate tools: legislative shortcomings in protection against ecological effects of artificial light at night
S Schroer, BJ Huggins, C Azam, F Hölker
Sustainability 12 (6), 2551, 2020
Common bats are more abundant within Natura 2000 areas
C Kerbiriou, C Azam, J Touroult, J Marmet, JF Julien, V Pellissier
Biological Conservation 217, 66-74, 2018
Artificial light may change flight patterns of bats near bridges along urban waterways
K Barré, K Spoelstra, Y Bas, S Challéat, R Kiri Ing, C Azam, G Zissis, ...
Animal Conservation 24 (2), 259-267, 2021
Testing the relevance of using spatial modeling to predict foraging habitat suitability around bat maternity: a case study in Mediterranean landscape
J Fonderflick, C Azam, C Brochier, E Cosson, D Quékenborn
Biological Conservation 192, 120-129, 2015
Bats seek refuge in cluttered environment when exposed to white and red lights at night
K Barré, C Kerbiriou, RK Ing, Y Bas, C Azam, I Le Viol, K Spoelstra
Movement Ecology 9, 1-11, 2021
Landscape composition drives the impacts of artificial light at night on insectivorous bats
K Barré, A Vernet, C Azam, I Le Viol, A Dumont, T Deana, S Vincent, ...
Environmental Pollution 292, 118394, 2022
Leitfaden für die Berücksichtigung von Fledermäusen bei Beleuchtungsprojekten
CC Voigt, C Azam, J Dekker, J Ferguson
Vigie-Chiro: 9 ans de suivi des tendances des espèces communes
C Kerbiriou, JF Julien, Y Bas, J Marmet, I Le Viol, R Lorrilliere, C Azam, ...
Symbioses, nos 34-35, 2015
Effet fragmentant de la lumière artificielle
R Sordello, S Vanpeene, C Azam, C Kerbiriou, I Le Viol, T Le Tallec
Quels impacts sur la mobilité des espèces et comment peuvent-ils être pris …, 2014
Effectivité de la Trame verte et bleue au regard de la Trame noire: comment limiter l’impact de l’éclairage artificiel nocturne sur les Chauves-souris
C Azam, I Le Viol, Y Bas, J Marmet, JF Julien, J Pauwels, C Kerbiriou
Symbioses, nouvelle série, 75-77, 2018
Is the CAP Fit for purpose? An evidence‐based fitness‐check assessment, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
G Pe’er, S Lakner, R Müller, G Passoni, V Bontzorlos, D Clough, ...
Halle-Jena-Leipzig, 2017
La Liste rouge des écosystèmes en France-Les littoraux méditerranéens de France métropolitaine, Vol. 2: côtes rocheuses, rivages de galets et graviers, Rapport technique
A Sauve, J Ichter, O Argagnon, D Bellan-Santini, F Bioret, P Cavallin, ...
Comité français de l'UICN, OFB & MNHN. Montreuil, France, 2022
CC Voigt, C Azam, J Dekker, J Ferguson, M Fritze, S Gazaryan, F Hölker, ...
Guidelines for consideration of bats in lighting projects, 2018
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Articles 1–20