Passive modernization? The new human development index and its components in Italy's regions (1871–2007) E Felice, M Vasta European Review of Economic History 19 (1), 44-66, 2015 | 161* | 2015 |
The origins of the Italian regional divide: evidence from real wages, 1861–1913 G Federico, A Nuvolari, M Vasta The Journal of Economic History 79 (1), 63-98, 2019 | 126 | 2019 |
Il commercio estero italiano: 1862-1950 G Federico, S Natoli, G Tattara, M Vasta Laterza, 2011 | 107 | 2011 |
The structure of Italian capitalism, 1952–1972: new evidence using the interlocking directorates technique A Rinaldi, M Vasta Financial History Review 12 (2), 173-198, 2005 | 98 | 2005 |
The ghost in the attic? The Italian national innovation system in historical perspective, 1861–2011 A Nuvolari, M Vasta Enterprise & society 16 (2), 270-290, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |
Innovazione tecnologica e capitale umano in Italia (1880-1914). Le traiettorie tecnologiche della seconda rivoluzione industriale M Vasta Il mulino, 1999 | 86 | 1999 |
Appendix: the source and the Imita. db dataset M Vasta Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, 269-73, 2006 | 78* | 2006 |
Can school centralization foster human capital accumulation? A quasi‐experiment from early twentieth‐century Italy G Cappelli, M Vasta The Economic History Review 73 (1), 159-184, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Storia dell'impresa industriale italiana R Giannetti, M Vasta Il mulino, 2005 | 60* | 2005 |
I stay at home with headache. A survey to investigate how the lockdown for COVID-19 impacted on headache in Italian children L Papetti, P Alaimo Di Loro, S Tarantino, L Grazzi, V Guidetti, P Parisi, ... Cephalalgia 40 (13), 1459-1473, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
The geography of innovation in Italy, 1861–1913: evidence from patent data A Nuvolari, M Vasta European Review of Economic History 21 (3), 326-356, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Italian export capacity in the long-term perspective (1861–2009): a tortuous path to stay in place M Vasta Journal of Modern Italian Studies 15 (1), 133-156, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
The Italian corporate network after the “Golden Age”(1972–1983): from centrality to marginalization of state-owned enterprises A Rinaldi, M Vasta Enterprise & Society 13 (2), 378-413, 2012 | 55* | 2012 |
The long-term evolution of economic history: evidence from the top five field journals (1927–2017) M Cioni, G Federico, M Vasta Cliometrica 14 (1), 1-39, 2020 | 53 | 2020 |
Ricchi per caso: la parabola dello sviluppo economico italiano M Vasta, P Di Martino Il mulino, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Banks and industry in Italy, 1911–36: new evidence using the interlocking directorates technique1 M Vasta, A Baccini Financial History Review 4 (2), 139-159, 1997 | 51 | 1997 |
Opening the black box of entrepreneurship: The Italian case in a historical perspective PA Toninelli, M Vasta Business History 56 (2), 161-186, 2014 | 48* | 2014 |
Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy: Boundaries, Structures and Strategies A Colli, M Vasta, eds Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
The two revolutions in economic history M Cioni, G Federico, M Vasta The handbook of historical economics, 17-40, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Was industrialization an escape from the commodity lottery? Evidence from Italy, 1861–1939 G Federico, M Vasta Explorations in economic history 47 (2), 228-243, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |