Tresa mary thomas
Tresa mary thomas
Research Scholar
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Cited by
Characteristics of the monsoon low pressure systems in the Indian subcontinent and the associated extreme precipitation events
TM Thomas, G Bala, VV Srinivas
Climate Dynamics 56, 1859-1878, 2021
CESM simulation of monsoon low pressure systems over India
TM Thomas, G Bala, SV Vemavarapu
International Journal of Climatology 42 (11), 5964-5984, 2022
Opposite changes in monsoon precipitation and low pressure system frequency in response to orographic forcing
TM Thomas, G Bala, SV Vemavarapu, WR Boos
Journal of Climate 36 (18), 6309-6329, 2023
Change in characteristics of Monsoon low pressure systems under a warming climate
TM Thomas, G Bala, V Vemavarapu Srinivas
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-1006, 2022
Robust changes in tropical atmospheric circulation under warming climate in CMIP6 model simulations
TM Thomas, G Bala
AGU24, 2024
Net Zero Emissions Energy Systems: Geophysical Constraints, Consequences, and Opportunities II Oral
TM Thomas, SJ Davis, L Freese, N Reich
AGU23, 2023
Exploring Climate Response to Contrail-Induced Cirrus using Climate Model Simulations with Stylized Aerosol Forcing
TM Thomas, G Bala, L Duan, K Caldeira
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (1021), GC21H-1021, 2023
How do the characteristics of monsoon low pressure systems over India change under a warming climate? A modeling study using the NCAR CESM
TM Thomas, G Bala, SV Vemavarapu
Climate Dynamics 61 (11), 5017-5034, 2023
An Investigation of the Characteristics of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems in the Present Climate and their Sensitivity to Topography and Climate Change
TM Thomas
Influence of Himalayan and Tibetan Orography on the Statistics of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems over the Indian Subcontinent
TM Thomas, G Bala, S Vemavarapu
Authorea Preprints, 2022
An investigation of the bias in the median track of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems over the Indian subcontinent in CESM1. 2.2 simulations
TM Thomas, G Bala, V Vemavarapu Srinivas
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-3879, 2021
Monsoon Low Pressure Systems over Indian subcontinent in CESM1. 2.2
TM Thomas, G Bala, SV Vemavarapu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A228-0012, 2020
Statistics of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems in the Indian Subcontinent and Estimation of Related Extreme Rainfall Risk
TM Thomas, G Bala, S Venkata Vemavarapu
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1837, 2020
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Articles 1–13