Francesco Frondini
Francesco Frondini
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Carbon dioxide Earth degassing and seismogenesis in central and southern Italy
G Chiodini, C Cardellini, A Amato, E Boschi, S Caliro, F Frondini, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (7), 2004
CO2 degassing and energy release at Solfatara volcano, Campi Flegrei, Italy
G Chiodini, F Frondini, C Cardellini, D Granieri, L Marini, G Ventura
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B8), 16213-16221, 2001
Application of stochastic simulation to CO2 flux from soil: Mapping and quantification of gas release
C Cardellini, G Chiodini, F Frondini
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B9), 2003
Rate of diffuse carbon dioxide Earth degassing estimated from carbon balance of regional aquifers: The case of central Apennine, Italy
G Chiodini, F Frondini, C Cardellini, F Parello, L Peruzzi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B4), 8423-8434, 2000
Diffuse emission of CO2 from the Fossa crater, Vulcano Island (Italy)
G Chiodini, F Frondini, B Raco
Bulletin of Volcanology 58, 41-50, 1996
Quantification of deep CO2 fluxes from Central Italy. Examples of carbon balance for regional aquifers and of soil diffuse degassing
G Chiodini, F Frondini, DM Kerrick, J Rogie, F Parello, L Peruzzi, ...
Chemical Geology 159 (1-4), 205-222, 1999
Carbon dioxide degassing from the Albani Hills volcanic region, Central Italy
G Chiodini, F Frondini
Chemical Geology 177 (1-2), 67-83, 2001
Fumarolic and diffuse soil degassing west of Mount Epomeo, Ischia, Italy
G Chiodini, R Avino, T Brombach, S Caliro, C Cardellini, S De Vita, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 133 (1-4), 291-309, 2004
Carbon dioxide degassing at Latera caldera (Italy): evidence of geothermal reservoir and evaluation of its potential energy
G Chiodini, A Baldini, F Barberi, ML Carapezza, C Cardellini, F Frondini, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B12), 2007
Flux measurements of nonvolcanic CO2 emission from some vents in central Italy
JD Rogie, DM Kerrick, G Chiodini, F Frondini
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B4), 8435-8445, 2000
Deep structures and carbon dioxide degassing in Central Italy
G Chiodini, F Frondini, F Ponziani
Geothermics 24 (1), 81-94, 1995
Diffuse CO2 degassing at Vesuvio, Italy
F Frondini, G Chiodini, S Caliro, C Cardellini, D Granieri, G Ventura
Bulletin of volcanology 66, 642-651, 2004
Correlation between tectonic CO2 Earth degassing and seismicity is revealed by a 10-year record in the Apennines, Italy
G Chiodini, C Cardellini, F Di Luccio, J Selva, F Frondini, S Caliro, ...
Science Advances 6 (35), eabc2938, 2020
Monitoring diffuse volcanic degassing during volcanic unrests: the case of Campi Flegrei (Italy)
C Cardellini, G Chiodini, F Frondini, R Avino, E Bagnato, S Caliro, M Lelli, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6757, 2017
Carbon dioxide degassing and thermal energy release in the Monte Amiata volcanic-geothermal area (Italy)
F Frondini, S Caliro, C Cardellini, G Chiodini, N Morgantini
Applied Geochemistry 24 (5), 860-875, 2009
Geochemical evidence for and characterization of CO2 rich gas sources in the epicentral area of the Abruzzo 2009 earthquakes
G Chiodini, S Caliro, C Cardellini, F Frondini, S Inguaggiato, F Matteucci
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304 (3-4), 389-398, 2011
Accumulation chamber measurements of methane fluxes: application to volcanic-geothermal areas and landfills
C Cardellini, G Chiodini, F Frondini, D Granieri, J Lewicki, L Peruzzi
Applied Geochemistry 18 (1), 45-54, 2003
Theoretical geothermometers andPCO2 indicators for aqueous solutions coming from hydrothermal systems of medium-low temperature hosted in carbonate-evaporite rocks. Application …
G Chiodini, F Frondini, L Marini
Applied Geochemistry 10 (3), 337-346, 1995
Fluxes of deep CO2 in the volcanic areas of central-southern Italy
B Gambardella, C Cardellini, G Chiodini, F Frondini, L Marini, G Ottonello, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 136 (1-2), 31-52, 2004
Carbon dioxide degassing from Tuscany and northern Latium (Italy)
F Frondini, S Caliro, C Cardellini, G Chiodini, N Morgantini, F Parello
Global and Planetary Change 61 (1-2), 89-102, 2008
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Articles 1–20