Anirudha Menon
Anirudha Menon
Lecturer & Researcher of Physics at the University of California, Davis
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Cited by
Thermoelectric transport properties of Floquet multi-Weyl semimetals
T Nag, A Menon, B Basu
Physical Review B 102 (1), 014307, 2020
Photoinduced tunable anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in tilted Weyl semimetals using Floquet theory
A Menon, D Chowdhury, B Basu
Physical Review B 98 (20), 205109, 2018
Anomalous Hall transport in tilted multi-Weyl semimetals
A Menon, B Basu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (4), 045602, 2020
Chiral magnetic effect in lattice models of tilted multi-Weyl semimetals
A Menon, S Chattopadhay, B Basu
Physical Review B 104 (7), 075129, 2021
Local entanglement and confinement transitions in the random transverse-field Ising model on the pyrochlore lattice
T Pardini, A Menon, SP Hau-Riege, RRP Singh
Physical Review B 100 (14), 144437, 2019
Effect of perturbative hexagonal warping on quantum capacitance in ultra-thin topological insulators
A Menon, D Chowdhury, B Basu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (13), 135003, 2016
Hybridization and Field Driven Phase Transitions in Hexagonally Warped Topological Insulators
A Menon, D Chowdhury, B Basu
Spin 6 (02), 1640005, 2016
Uncovering the fractal nature of water vapor distribution above the surface of the earth
A Menon, B Basu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 175, 113984, 2023
Confinement, reduced entanglement, and spin-glass order in a random quantum spin-ice model
A Menon, T Pardini, RRP Singh
Physical Review B 101 (18), 184423, 2020
Fano resonances in tilted Weyl semimetals in an oscillating quantum well
S Das, A Maity, R Sarkar, A Menon, T Nag, B Basu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (39), 395804, 2024
Emergent Ashkin-Teller criticality in a constrained boson model
A Menon, A Chattopadhyay, K Sengupta, A Sen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12107, 2023
Determination of spin Hamiltonian for an ideal triangular lattice of Yb in NaBaYb(BO3)2
A Ghasemi, A Menon, S Gao, C Broholm, R Cava, R Singh, N Drichko
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, Q51. 001, 2022
Theoretical and Computational Explorations of Topological Materials
A Menon
University of California, Davis, 2021
Directly probing spin fluctuations in quantum spin liquids with X-ray Free Electron Lasers
T Pardini, A Menon, SP Hau-Riege
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2019
Hall transport of Landau quantized states in tilted multi-Weyl semimetals: Universality of anomalous vacuum contribution
A Menon, B Basu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06716, 0
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Articles 1–15