S. Rebekah Burket
S. Rebekah Burket
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Pharmaceuticals in water, fish and osprey nestlings in Delaware River and Bay
TG Bean, BA Rattner, RS Lazarus, DD Day, SR Burket, BW Brooks, ...
Environmental Pollution 232, 533-545, 2018
Bioaccumulation of human pharmaceuticals in fish across habitats of a tidally influenced urban bayou
B Du, SP Haddad, A Luek, WC Scott, GN Saari, SR Burket, CS Breed, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 35 (4), 966-974, 2016
Antidepressants in surface waters: fluoxetine influences mosquitofish anxiety-related behavior at environmentally relevant levels
JM Martin, MG Bertram, M Saaristo, JB Fursdon, SL Hannington, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (10), 6035-6043, 2019
Select antibiotics in leachate from closed and active landfills exceed thresholds for antibiotic resistance development
SS Chung, JS Zheng, SR Burket, BW Brooks
Environment International 115, 89-96, 2018
Toward sustainable environmental quality: priority research questions for Asia
KMY Leung, KWY Yeung, J You, K Choi, X Zhang, R Smith, GJ Zhou, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39 (8), 1485-1505, 2020
Corbicula fluminea rapidly accumulate pharmaceuticals from an effluent dependent urban stream
SR Burket, M White, AJ Ramirez, JK Stanley, KE Banks, WT Waller, ...
Chemosphere 224, 873-883, 2019
Spatio-temporal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of ionizable pharmaceuticals in a semi-arid urban river influenced by snowmelt
SP Haddad, A Luek, WC Scott, GN Saari, SR Burket, LA Kristofco, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 359, 231-240, 2018
At the intersection of urbanization, water, and food security: determination of select contaminants of emerging concern in mussels and oysters from Hong Kong
SR Burket, Y Sapozhnikova, JS Zheng, SS Chung, BW Brooks
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66 (20), 5009-5017, 2018
Acute exposure to an environmentally relevant concentration of diclofenac elicits oxidative stress in the culturally important galaxiid fish Galaxias maculatus
NK McRae, CN Glover, SR Burket, BW Brooks, S Gaw
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 37 (1), 224-235, 2018
Effects of sertraline on behavioral indices of crayfish Orconectes virilis
SG Woodman, D Steinkey, WA Dew, SR Burket, BW Brooks, GG Pyle
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 134, 31-37, 2016
Periphyton, bivalves and fish differentially accumulate select pharmaceuticals in effluent-dependent stream mesocosms
SR Burket, MV Wright, LF Baker, CK Chambliss, RS King, CW Matson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 745, 140882, 2020
Spatial and temporal influence of onsite wastewater treatment systems, centralized effluent discharge, and tides on aquatic hazards of nutrients, indicator bacteria, and …
WC Scott, CS Breed, SP Haddad, SR Burket, GN Saari, PJ Pearce, ...
Science of the Total Environment 650, 354-364, 2019
Pharmaceutical uptake kinetics in rainbow trout: in situ bioaccumulation in an effluent-dominated river influenced by snowmelt
JL Sims, SR Burket, ME Franco, LM Lovin, KR Scarlett, R Steenbeek, ...
Science of the Total Environment 736, 139603, 2020
Determination of nicotine and its metabolites accumulated in fish tissue using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
YW Chang, HP Nguyen, M Chang, SR Burket, BW Brooks, KA Schug
Journal of separation science 38 (14), 2414-2422, 2015
Sex may influence environmental diphenhydramine accumulation in Round Stingrays
K Lyons, SR Burket, BW Brooks
Marine pollution bulletin 135, 648-653, 2018
Multi-approach assessment for the evaluation of spatio-temporal estrogenicity in fish from effluent-dominated surface waters under low instream flow
ME Franco, SR Burket, JL Sims, LM Lovin, KR Scarlett, K Stroski, ...
Environmental Pollution 265, 115122, 2020
Interaction of the Olfactory System of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Diltiazem
E Lari, SR Burket, D Steinkey, BW Brooks, GG Pyle
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41 (3), 544-550, 2022
Development of a standardized adsorbable organofluorine screening method for wastewaters with detection by combustion ion chromatography
JL Jones, SR Burket, A Hanley, JA Shoemaker
Analytical Methods 14 (36), 3501-3511, 2022
Plasma Vitellogenin Reveals Potential Seasonal Estrogenicity in Fish from On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems in Semi-Arid Streams Influenced by Snowmelt
ME Franco, KM Stroski, JL Sims, SR Burket, C Ashcroft, M Luers, ...
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105, 692-698, 2020
Spatial and seasonal occurrence of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in fish influenced by snowmelt and municipal effluent discharge
Y Sapozhnikova, A Salamova, SP Haddad, SR Burket, M Luers, ...
Science of the Total Environment 737, 140222, 2020
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Articles 1–20