Andrew Powell
Andrew Powell
Principal Advisor, Research Department, Inter American Development Bank
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Cited by
Can emerging market bank regulators establish credible discipline? The case of Argentina, 1992-99
CW Calomiris, A Powell
Prudential supervision: What works and what doesn't, 147-196, 2001
Estimating the direct economic damages of the earthquake in Haiti
E Cavallo, A Powell, O Becerra
The Economic Journal 120 (546), F298-F312, 2010
Positioning the World Bank
C Gilbert, A Powell, D Vines
The Economic Journal 109 (459), 598-633, 1999
Trading forward in an imperfect market: the case of electricity in Britain
A Powell
The Economic Journal 103 (417), 444-453, 1993
Commodity and developing country terms of trade: what does the long run show?
A Powell
The Economic Journal 101 (409), 1485-1496, 1991
Banking on foreigners: the behavior of international bank claims on Latin America, 1985-2000
MSM Peria, A Powell, I Vladkova-Hollar
IMF Staff Papers 52 (3), 430-461, 2005
Calidad de vida: más allá de los hechos
C Pagés, C Scartascini, R Funaro, L Madrigal, S Duryea, JC Chaparro, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2008
A new taxonomy of Sudden Stops: Which Sudden Stops should countries be most concerned about?
E Cavallo, A Powell, M Pedemonte, P Tavella
Journal of International Money and Finance 51, 47-70, 2015
Improving credit information, bank regulation, and supervision: On the role and design of public credit registries
A Powell, N Mylenko, M Miller, G Majnoni
Bank Regulation, and Supervision: On the Role and Design of Public Credit …, 2004
The second wave of global liquidity: Why are firms acting like financial intermediaries?
J Caballero, U Panizza, A Powell
IDB Working Paper No. IDB-WP-641, 2016
A capital accord for emerging economies?
A Powell
Available at SSRN 636091, 2002
Constraints on axion-like particles from X-ray observations of NGC1275
M Berg, JP Conlon, F Day, N Jennings, S Krippendorf, AJ Powell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 847 (2), 101, 2017
Dollarization: the link between devaluation and default risk
A Powell, F Sturzenegger
Beyond facts: Understanding quality of life
C Pagés, C Scartascini, R Funaro, L Madrigal, S Duryea, JC Chaparro, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2008
Soft X-ray excess in the Coma cluster from a cosmic axion background
S Angus, JP Conlon, MCD Marsh, AJ Powell, LT Witkowski
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2014 (09), 026, 2014
The quality of life in Latin American cities: Markets and perception
E Lora, A Powell, BMS van Praag, P Sanguinetti
World Bank Publications, 2010
Basel II and developing countries: sailing through the sea of standards
A Powell
World Bank Publications, 2004
Dollarization: issues of implementation
R Hausmann, A Powell
BID, 1999
Contagion, Banks Fundamentals Or Macroeconomic Shock?: An Empirical Analysis of the Argentine 1995 Banking Problems
L d'Amato, E Grubisic, AP Powell
Banco Central de la República Argentina, Area de Economía y Finanzas, 1997
The importance of an effective legal system for credit markets: the case of Argentina
M Cristini, R Moya, A Powell
Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department, Latin American …, 2001
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Articles 1–20