Jurgen Kosel
Jurgen Kosel
Head of Research Division Sensor Systems, Silicon Austria Labs
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Wearable flexible sensors: A review
A Nag, SC Mukhopadhyay, J Kosel
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (13), 3949-3960, 2017
Magnetic nanocomposite cilia tactile sensor
A Alfadhel, J Kosel
Wiley, 2015
Magnetic sensors-A review and recent technologies
MA Khan, J Sun, B Li, A Przybysz, J Kosel
Engineering Research Express 3 (2), 022005, 2021
Modulated magnetic nanowires for controlling domain wall motion: toward 3D magnetic memories
YP Ivanov, A Chuvilin, S Lopatin, J Kosel
ACS nano 10 (5), 5326-5332, 2016
Non-chemotoxic induction of cancer cell death using magnetic nanowires
MF Contreras, R Sougrat, A Zaher, T Ravasi, J Kosel
International journal of nanomedicine, 2141-2153, 2015
Flexible carbon nanotube nanocomposite sensor for multiple physiological parameter monitoring
A Nag, SC Mukhopadhyay, J Kosel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 251, 148-155, 2016
Tunable magnetic nanowires for biomedical and harsh environment applications
YP Ivanov, A Alfadhel, M Alnassar, JE Perez, M Vazquez, A Chuvilin, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24189, 2016
Thin PZT‐based ferroelectric capacitors on flexible silicon for nonvolatile memory applications
MT Ghoneim, MA Zidan, MY Alnassar, AN Hanna, J Kosel, KN Salama, ...
Advanced electronic materials 1 (6), 1500045, 2015
Wearable multifunctional printed graphene sensors
A Kaidarova, MA Khan, M Marengo, L Swanepoel, A Przybysz, C Muller, ...
NPJ Flexible Electronics 3 (1), 15, 2019
3D printed mould-based graphite/PDMS sensor for low-force applications
A Nag, S Feng, SC Mukhopadhyay, J Kosel, D Inglis
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 280, 525-534, 2018
Technique for rapid detection of phthalates in water and beverages
AI Zia, MSA Rahman, SC Mukhopadhyay, PL Yu, IH Al-Bahadly, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 116 (2), 515-523, 2013
Sensing system for salinity testing using laser-induced graphene sensors
A Nag, SC Mukhopadhyay, J Kosel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 264, 107-116, 2017
A magnetic nanocomposite for biomimetic flow sensing
A Alfadhel, B Li, A Zaher, O Yassine, J Kosel
Lab on a Chip 14 (22), 4362-4369, 2014
Design and fabrication of magnetically functionalized flexible micropillar arrays for rapid and controllable microfluidic mixing
B Zhou, W Xu, AA Syed, Y Chau, L Chen, B Chew, O Yassine, X Wu, ...
Lab on a Chip 15 (9), 2125-2132, 2015
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy based MEMS sensors for phthalates detection in water and juices
AI Zia, ARM Syaifudin, SC Mukhopadhyay, PL Yu, IH Al-Bahadly, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 439 (1), 012026, 2013
Biocompatible 3D printed microneedles for transdermal, intradermal, and percutaneous applications
K Moussi, A Bukhamsin, T Hidalgo, J Kosel
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (2), 1901358, 2020
Method for continuous nondisturbing monitoring of blood pressure by magnetoelastic skin curvature sensor and ECG
E Kaniusas, H Pfutzner, L Mehnen, J Kosel, C Tellez-Blanco, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 6 (3), 819-828, 2006
Novel sensing approach for LPG leakage detection: Part I—Operating mechanism and preliminary results
A Nag, AI Zia, X Li, SC Mukhopadhyay, J Kosel
IEEE Sensors journal 16 (4), 996-1003, 2015
Physical sensors based on laser-induced graphene: A review
A Kaidarova, J Kosel
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (11), 12426-12443, 2020
Flexible magnetoimpedance sensor
B Li, MN Kavaldzhiev, J Kosel
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 378, 499-505, 2015
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Articles 1–20