Shape analysis of symmetric structures: quantifying variation among individuals and asymmetry CP Klingenberg, M Barluenga, A Meyer Evolution 56 (10), 1909-1920, 2002 | 1278 | 2002 |
Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish M Barluenga, KN Stölting, W Salzburger, M Muschick, A Meyer Nature 439 (7077), 719-723, 2006 | 894 | 2006 |
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the Midas cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw and its relevance in adaptive radiation M Muschick, M Barluenga, W Salzburger, A Meyer BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1-12, 2011 | 222 | 2011 |
Body shape variation in cichlid fishes of the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex CP Klingenberg, M Barluenga, A Meyer Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80 (3), 397-408, 2003 | 184 | 2003 |
Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation. 1. Cichlids in a crater lake S Gavrilets, A Vose, M Barluenga, W Salzburger, A Meyer Molecular Ecology 16 (14), 2893-2909, 2007 | 176 | 2007 |
The Midas cichlid species complex: incipient sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan cichlid fishes? M Barluenga, A Meyer Molecular ecology 13 (7), 2061-2076, 2004 | 159 | 2004 |
Post-mating clutch piracy in an amphibian DR Vieites, S Nieto-Román, M Barluenga, A Palanca, M Vences, A Meyer Nature 431 (7006), 305-308, 2004 | 154 | 2004 |
Phylogeography, colonization and population history of the Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) in the Nicaraguan crater lakes M Barluenga, A Meyer BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1-20, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
Origins of shared genetic variation in African cichlids YHE Loh, E Bezault, FM Muenzel, RB Roberts, R Swofford, M Barluenga, ... Molecular biology and evolution 30 (4), 906-917, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
The ecological and genetic basis of convergent thick‐lipped phenotypes in cichlid fishes M Colombo, ET Diepeveen, M Muschick, ME Santos, A Indermaur, ... Molecular Ecology 22 (3), 670-684, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure and gene dispersal in Silene latifolia M Barluenga, F Austerlitz, JA Elzinga, S Teixeira, J Goudet, G Bernasconi Heredity 106 (1), 13-24, 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
Old fish in a young lake: stone loach (Pisces: Barbatula barbatula) populations in Lake Constance are genetically isolated by distance M Barluenga, A Meyer Molecular ecology 14 (4), 1229-1239, 2005 | 55 | 2005 |
Population‐structure and genetic diversity in a haplochromine fish cichlid of a satellite lake of Lake Victoria R Abila, M Barluenga, J Engelken, A Meyer, W Salzburger Molecular Ecology 13 (9), 2589-2602, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Genetic admixture of burbot (Teleostei: Lota lota) in Lake Constance from two European glacial refugia M Barluenga, M Sanetra, A Meyer Molecular ecology 15 (12), 3583-3600, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |
The role of the Yala swamp lakes in the conservation of Lake Victoria region haplochromine cichlids: evidence from genetic and trophic ecology studies R Abila, W Salzburger, MF Ndonga, DO Owiti, M Barluenga, A Meyer Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 13 (2), 95-104, 2008 | 38 | 2008 |
Phylogeography and ecological niche shape the cichlid fish gut microbiota in Central American and African Lakes L Baldo, JL Riera, W Salzburger, M Barluenga Frontiers in microbiology 10, 2372, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Sampling genetic diversity in the sympatrically and allopatrically speciating Midas cichlid species complex over a 16 year time series PME Bunje, M Barluenga, A Meyer BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 1-14, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Untangling the evolutionary history of a highly polymorphic species: introgressive hybridization and high genetic structure in the desert cichlid fish Herichtys minckleyi IS Magalhaes, CP Ornelas‐Garcıa, M Leal‐Cardin, T Ramírez, ... Molecular ecology 24 (17), 4505-4520, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Genetic support for random mating between left and right‐mouth morphs in the dimorphic scale‐eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from Lake Tanganyika HJ Lee, S Pittlik, JC Jones, W Salzburger, M Barluenga, A Meyer Journal of Fish Biology 76 (8), 1940-1957, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Evidence for sympatric speciation?(reply) M Barluenga, KN Stölting, W Salzburger, M Muschick, A Meyer Nature 444 (7120), E13-E13, 2006 | 20* | 2006 |