Tommi Kramer
Tommi Kramer
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Cited by
Enhanced human-computer interaction for business applications on mobile devices: a design-oriented development of a usability evaluation questionnaire
M Wich, T Kramer
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 472-481, 2015
Should this software component be developed inside or outside our firm?-a design science perspective on the sourcing of application systems
T Kramer, A Heinzl, K Spohrer
New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing: 5th Global …, 2011
Enrichment of smart home services by integrating social network services and big data analytics
M Wich, T Kramer
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 425-434, 2016
Outsourcing location selection with soda: a requirements based decision support methodology and tool
T Kramer, M Eschweiler
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 25th International Conference …, 2013
Outsourcing decisions of small and medium-sized enterprises: A multiple-case study approach in the German software industry
T Kramer, L Klimpke, A Heinzl
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4236-4245, 2013
Globally distributed software development in small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany: Reasons, locations, and obstacles
L Klimpke, T Kramer, S Betz, K Nordheimer
Regaining joy of life: Theory-driven development of mobile psychotherapy support systems
T Neben, AM Seeger, T Kramer, A White
Global sourcing of information systems development-explaining project outcomes based on social, cultural, and asset-related characteristics
K Spohrer, T Kramer, A Heinzl
The Dynamics of Global Sourcing. Perspectives and Practices: 6th Global …, 2012
Cross-organizational software development: Design and evaluation of a decision support system for software component outsourcing
T Kramer, A Heinzl, T Neben
Enabling social network analysis in distributed collaborative software development
T Kramer, T Hildenbrand, T Acker
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2009
Make the most of waiting: theory-driven design of a pre-psychotherapy mobile health application
T Neben, AM Seeger, T Kramer, S Knigge, AJ White, GW Alpers
Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für das Outsourcing in der komponentenbasierten Softwareentwicklung
T Kramer
Software Outsourcing Decision Aid (SODA): A Requirements Based Decision Support Method and Tool
T Kramer, A Heinzl, M Eschweiler
Information Systems Outsourcing: Towards Sustainable Business Value, 115-138, 2014
IT global delivery model efficiency: An exploratory case study to identify input and output factors
M Nöhren, A Heinzl, T Kramer, T Kude, P Kurasov
Advances in Global Sourcing. Models, Governance, and Relationships: 7th …, 2013
Proposal to Study a Large Liquid Argon-Uranium Absorber Calorimeter
D Cutts, J Hoftun, R Lanou, R Partridge, D Pilpovic, JK Walker, AP White, ...
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 1986
Artifact Quality in Design Science: Conceptualizing and Conducting the Evaluation of an Outsourcing Decision Support System
T Kramer, A Heinzl, RL Törmer
Software Component Allocation in Distributed Development Settings.
T Kramer
CAiSE (Doctoral Consortium), 2012
Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für das Outsourcing in der komponentenbasierten Softwareentwicklung
TD Kramer
Dissertation, Mannheim, Universität Mannheim, 2016, 0
IT Management in the Digital Age
A Heinzl, AM Seeger, M Fallon, A Halckenhäußer, D Mateja, L Oberste, ...
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