Emil Kraft
Emil Kraft
EnBW, former KIT IIP
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Cited by
Advanced price forecasting in agent-based electricity market simulation
C Fraunholz, E Kraft, D Keles, W Fichtner
Applied Energy 290, 116688, 2021
Modelling of Frequency Containment Reserve Prices with Econometrics and Artificial Intelligence
E Kraft, D Keles, W Fichtner
Journal of Forecasting, 2020
Stochastic optimization of trading strategies in sequential electricity markets
E Kraft, M Russo, D Keles, V Bertsch
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (1), 400-421, 2023
Short-term risk management of electricity retailers under rising shares of decentralized solar generation
M Russo, E Kraft, V Bertsch, D Keles
Energy Economics 109, 105956, 2022
Netzdienlicher Handel als Element des zellulären Energiesystems am Beispiel des Altdorfer Flexmarkts (ALF)-11
A Zeiselmair, S Köppl, T Estermann, N Lehmann, E Kraft, N Klempp
Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT), 2019
On the role of risk aversion and market design in capacity expansion planning
C Fraunholz, KK Miskiw, E Kraft, W Fichtner, C Weber
The Energy Journal 44 (3), 111-138, 2023
Definition von Flexibilität in einem zellulär geprägten Energiesystem
N Lehmann, E Kraft, C Duepmeier, I Mauser, K Förderer, D Sauer
Zukünftige Stromnetze 2019 (30), 459-469, 2019
Analysis of bidding strategies in the German control reserve market
E Kraft, D Keles, W Fichtner
2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2018
Analysis and Modelling of the French Capacity Mechanism: Impact Assessment of Energy Policy Measures on the Security of Supply
E Kraft
Analysis and Modelling of the French Capacity Mechanism, 2017
Modeling the dispatch of electrolyzers using agent-based electricity market simulation
F Zimmermann, E Kraft, W Fichtner
2022 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-10, 2022
Forecasting of Frequency Containment Reserve Prices Using Econometric and Artificial Intelligence Approaches
E Kraft, J Rominger, V Mohiuddin, D Keles
11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, Vienna, Austria …, 2019
On the impact of voluntary bids in balancing reserve markets
E Kraft, F Ocker, D Keles, W Fichtner
2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2019
Impact of weather years on the investment decisions in agent-based modeling
T Weiskopf, E Kraft, F Zimmermann
International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2023), Hamburg …, 2023
The economic impacts of integrating European balancing markets: The case of the newly installed aFRR energy market-coupling platform PICASSO
M Backer, D Keles, E Kraft
Energy Economics 128, 107124, 2023
Coordinated Bidding in Sequential Electricity Markets: Effects of Price-Making
KK Miskiw, E Kraft, SE Fleten
Available at SSRN 4509211, 2023
Angemessenheit der Erzeugungskapaz-itäten in Deutschland bei einem Kohleausstieg im Jahr 2030
F Zimmermann, E Kraft, J Beranek, W Fichtner
13. Internationale Energiewirtschaft-stagung an der TU Wien 15 (17.02), 2023
Coordinated Trading Strategies for Battery Storage in Reserve and Spot Markets
PE Seifert, E Kraft, S Bakker, SE Fleten
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.08390, 2024
Impact of demand response on resource adequacy due to an early coal phase-out in Germany
F Zimmermann, T Weiskopf, E Kraft
2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-9, 2023
The long-term impact of increased fossil fuel prices and market design on the market values of renewable generation
T Weiskopf, F Zimmermann, E Kraft
18th IAEE European Conference" The Global Energy Transition Toward …, 2023
Studying-Bachelor's/Master's Theses
E Kraft
Emil Kraft, 2022
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Articles 1–20