Eileen Eckmeier
Eileen Eckmeier
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Pedogenesis of chernozems in Central Europe—a review
E Eckmeier, R Gerlach, E Gehrt, MWI Schmidt
Geoderma 139 (3-4), 288-299, 2007
Short-chain n-alkanes (C16–20) in ancient soil are useful molecular markers for prehistoric biomass burning
E Eckmeier, GLB Wiesenberg
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (7), 1590-1596, 2009
Prehistoric alteration of soil in the Lower Rhine Basin, Northwest Germany—archaeological, 14C and geochemical evidence
R Gerlach, H Baumewerd-Schmidt, K van den Borg, E Eckmeier, ...
Geoderma 136 (1-2), 38-50, 2006
Minor changes in soil organic carbon and charcoal concentrations detected in a temperate deciduous forest a year after an experimental slash-and-burn
E Eckmeier, R Gerlach, JO Skjemstad, O Ehrmann, MWI Schmidt
Biogeosciences 4 (3), 377-383, 2007
Loess-soil sequence at Toshan (Northern Iran): Insights into late Pleistocene climate change
S Vlaminck, M Kehl, T Lauer, A Shahriari, J Sharifi, E Eckmeier, ...
Quaternary International 399, 122-135, 2016
Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania)–Implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe
C Zeeden, H Kels, U Hambach, P Schulte, J Protze, E Eckmeier, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 154, 130-142, 2016
Buried dark soil horizons and archaeological features in the Neolithic settlement region of the Lower Rhine area, NW Germany: formation, geochemistry and chronostratigraphy
R Gerlach, P Fischer, E Eckmeier, A Hilgers
Quaternary International 265, 191-204, 2012
Preservation of fire-derived carbon compounds and sorptive stabilisation promote the accumulation of organic matter in black soils of the Southern Alps
E Eckmeier, M Egli, MWI Schmidt, N Schlumpf, M Nötzli, N Minikus-Stary, ...
Geoderma 159 (1-2), 147-155, 2010
Aeolian dynamics at the Orlovat loess–paleosol sequence, northern Serbia, based on detailed textural and geochemical evidence
I Obreht, C Zeeden, P Schulte, U Hambach, E Eckmeier, A Timar-Gabor, ...
Aeolian Research 18, 69-81, 2015
Introducing an improved multi-proxy approach for paleoenvironmental reconstruction of loess–paleosol archives applied on the Late Pleistocene Nussloch sequence (SW Germany)
M Gocke, U Hambach, E Eckmeier, L Schwark, L Zöller, M Fuchs, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 410, 300-315, 2014
Conversion of biomass to charcoal and the carbon mass balance from a slash-and-burn experiment in a temperate deciduous forest
E Eckmeier, M Rösch, O Ehrmann, MWI Schmidt, W Schier, R Gerlach
The Holocene 17 (4), 539-542, 2007
Holocene fire history of black colluvial soils revealed by pyrolysis-GC/MS: a case study from Campo Lameiro (NW Spain)
J Kaal, AM Cortizas, E Eckmeier, MC Casais, MS Estévez, FC Boado
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (8), 2133-2143, 2008
A multi-proxy analysis of two loess-paleosol sequences in the Northern Harz Foreland, Germany
L Krauß, J Zens, C Zeeden, P Schulte, E Eckmeier, F Lehmkuhl
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 401-417, 2016
Tracing elevational changes in microbial life and organic carbon sources in soils of the Atacama Desert
C Knief, R Bol, W Amelung, S Kusch, K Frindte, E Eckmeier, A Jaeschke, ...
Global and Planetary Change 184, 103078, 2020
New 14C Dates for the Early Natufian of El-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel, Israel
M Weinstein-Evron, R Yeshurun, D Kaufman, E Eckmeier, E Boaretto
Radiocarbon 54 (3-4), 813-822, 2012
Organic fertilization and sufficient nutrient status in prehistoric agriculture?–Indications from multi-proxy analyses of archaeological topsoil relicts
F Lauer, K Prost, R Gerlach, S Pätzold, M Wolf, S Urmersbach, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e106244, 2014
Quaternary paleosols and sediments on the Balearic Islands as indicators of climate changes
S Wagner, E Eckmeier, A Skowronek, N Günster
Catena 112, 112-124, 2014
Late neolithic agriculture in temperate europe—a long-term experimental approach
M Rösch, H Biester, A Bogenrieder, E Eckmeier, O Ehrmann, R Gerlach, ...
Land 6 (1), 11, 2017
Only small changes in soil organic carbon and charcoal concentrations found one year after experimental slash-and-burn in a temperate deciduous forest
E Eckmeier, R Gerlach, JO Skjemstad, O Ehrmann, MWI Schmidt
Biogeosciences Discussions 4 (1), 595-614, 2007
Black carbon contributes to organic matter in young soils in the Morteratsch proglacial area (Switzerland)
E Eckmeier, C Mavris, R Krebs, B Pichler, M Egli
Biogeosciences 10 (3), 1265-1274, 2013
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Articles 1–20